US 2s rating push


2017 Twink Cup Champion
Looking for healer on US for 2s arena push
Vøcqt 29 arms warrior alliance
btag- voc#1991

Also pushing 29 feral,enh sham, and maybe disc
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Lets do a 1v1 tourney with two teams of 5 alliance v horde
Obv no healers allowed and only one of each spec aka no multiple 29 bms
I already have 2-3 on my team most likely will be ready today leave ur btag if interested
oh the 29 brew that thinks winning arenas/bgs as 29 brew matters?

Guard carries #fact

the fuck? but yet u wanna " push rating" as a 29 feral ? since it doesn't matter, why dont u queue with a random ?
if you dont mind lev 20 Disc hit me up
the duck? but yet u wanna " push rating" as a 29 feral ? since it doesn't matter, why dont u queue with a random ?
29 Brew is fotm 29 feral has been strong for a while now. Ferals die easily and to maximize what you do, you have to know exactly when to do what to make the game changing moves. 29 Brew has guard, huge sustained damage requiring zero build up,a spammable slow, and usually a lot of health, therefore even a mediocre 29 brew makes game changing moves by being super hard to kill bc of guard, and huge sustained melee dmg with spammable slow. If you don't play at the top level you do not understand this, it is a fact.
Does anyone know if eliteguilds is still working good? I won about 50ish games yesterday and my win/loss is exactly the same as the day before yesterday.. Is there a ladder elsewhere i should be looking at?
29 Brew is fotm 29 feral has been strong for a while now. Ferals die easily and to maximize what you do, you have to know exactly when to do what to make the game changing moves. 29 Brew has guard, huge sustained damage requiring zero build up,a spammable slow, and usually a lot of health, therefore even a mediocre 29 brew makes game changing moves by being super hard to kill bc of guard, and huge sustained melee dmg with spammable slow. If you don't play at the top level you do not understand this, it is a fact.

game changing moves = 5 CP bite ? shits hilarious
29 Brew is fotm 29 feral has been strong for a while now. Ferals die easily and to maximize what you do, you have to know exactly when to do what to make the game changing moves. 29 Brew has guard, huge sustained damage requiring zero build up,a spammable slow, and usually a lot of health, therefore even a mediocre 29 brew makes game changing moves by being super hard to kill bc of guard, and huge sustained melee dmg with spammable slow. If you don't play at the top level you do not understand this, it is a fact.
Lmao you are talking like ur a good player. You don't need a brain to play 29 BM or feral. You just slam ur head on the keyboard and win.
Feral in 2s does take skill because of trinket, bite is OP but the stun is not. In bgs feral is more faceroll

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