2H war chants

so thanks to no xp i got the glacial stone, was wondering what chant to put on it. If you could explain your decision i would really appreciate it. thanks
25 Agi for consistency.


Crusader for more bursty damage.

Those are your only 2 options imo.
Well, I'm pretty sure crusader only gets 1 PPM, so, imo, I would go with Lifestealing for more procs since it gets 6 PPM.
Sader to get the proc then switch over to Bloodied Arcanite Reaper with 25agi to pump out the high end damage
25 Agility get you that tasty + crit! 0_o
thanks all, looks like 25 agi, would like to get BaR but not a big can of playing my 80 so that will be later on. Thanks for the useful comments
I thought I saw some people using...15 str or something? Put that and frost oil and it sounds fun for an AP set =P

I would use SF/Shield otherwise ../shrug

Is best.
I have two alternatives that might be a little against the grain. Recently a very good pally I know switched to +15 str enchant this is equivalent to 30AP, the rationale for this is that the chant is always ON! and gives consistent DPS.

The other not common option that I am only mentioning for the purposes of theorycraft is +9 weapon damage. As you know "Rend" deals a percentage of weapon damage so a +9 weapon damage chant and a heavy weight stone +4 (can't be applied to BoA) is 11 extra weapon damge for a high end damage of 104.

Those were the two^

might also consider:

Fiery would be good for the double proc burst damage and fiery does proc more than crusader, if you are doing any pvp might want to consider this option as well.

I'm not a big fan of +25 agil on this weapon +25 agi offers more crits but they will be smaller crits.

Crusader is currently my personal favorite and the reason this enchant is so good has to do with it's unpredictabile burst damage that can blast through heals and over power opponents.

Recently I dueled my paladin friend me with crusader him with +15str. He won all of the duels where my crusader didn't proc, and often when it would proc he would simply avoid me and kite me around. Remember that if crusader is not proccing it is as if you do not have a weapon enchant at all! But when it does it is unmatchable
Fiery for consistency, crusader for burst. I might add that since fiery is so reliable AND goes through armor, it could easily be a better choice for arena, where you would rather not rely on chance.

I would only use 25 agility if you have a second 2-hander with crusader, to switch out when it's procc'd for heavy physical damage. Otherwise, that extra crit won't do quite as much as fiery for you, most of the time. ;)
i think crusader is good because of the 100 strength gain, i got it on my rogue on my main hand and when it procs i get 100+ ap and 15 strength is nothing compared to that... but it has a 2ppm on it so if it doesn't proc its like u have no enchant at all, my friend has 2 smites hammers, 1 with crusader and 1 with iron counterweight so when crusader proccs he swapps over to the other 1 and get so many more hits in.

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