29s Politics thread

what does the label on that box say? It's scratched off... Pan... Panama?


Bet you two shots of tequila I have an enormous budget deficit on my forehead.

Am I doing it right?
I'm gonna have to vote Ron Paul in this primary...

Edit - Huntsman looks slightly reasonable as well
Donteventrii said:
< Socialist present.

eh socialism is cool as a theory if your into that sort of thing but human nature is always going to screw it up, that's why it fails time after time.

Yeah we tried it once in what is now called the united states, and yes it failed just as miserably here as it has or is failing everywhere else.

"Men who don’t benefit from their hard work tend not to work very hard." (Sir Thomas Dale).
eh true capitalism (not that the US has this) is a cool theory, if youre into that sort of thing, but human nature is always going to screw it up. the whole basis is that the capitalists redistribute the wealth - not equally mind you - but certainly more than the case in the US where the top 1% owns whatever huge % its at nowadays. middle class is shrinking, thanks to those blessed capitalists who effed us with giving false rankings to toxic properties, lowered loan standards to sucker people into buying houses they knew they couldnt afford, taking out insurance on said mortgages, and almost collapsing the us economy as we know it. and that was just another bubble, like the other ones we've narrowly averted in the past, and now the bubble is even bigger since the remaining banks and firms were made even larger. oh and the greedy ratards go from making bank in the private sector to somehow weasling jobs advising presidents and controlling the fed - after they nearly wrecked us.

oh and thats not even going into what would happen in a totally free market capitalist world with no unions (worker protection, etc), regulations (hello no environment), and everything else.

granted part of the theory is they regulate themselves, but c'mon...what capitalist is gonna regulate themselves with no strong fed. govt saying "this shit is toxic, i dont care if it saves a few pennies, you cant do it". and what business would pay more to a worker for no reason (no minimum wage) or care about them being hurt, tired, overworked, etc when if said worker complained (or died) they could just be laid off and the business could bring in any number of desperate unemployed workers to take the opening b/c 1$/hr is certainly better than 0$/hr. thatd be fun.

and as far as that quote from mr. dale.......what capitalist has worked hard lately. the vast majority make their killings off the lower/middle class and never think twice, or they just flat out inherit their wealth, or at least the capital they need to get started on their path to domination
donteventrii said:
< Socialist present.

That's hilarity right there folks.

Franchi said:
eh socialism is cool as a theory if your into that sort of thing but human nature is always going to screw it up, that's why it fails time after time.

Yeah we tried it once in what is now called the united states, and yes it failed just as miserably here as it has or is failing everywhere else.

"Men who don’t benefit from their hard work tend not to work very hard."

Well, to be perfectly honest, the current models of 'socialism' are based from capitalism in a society where man and rudimentary machines do a lot of the physical labor. There isn't a real way to implement socialism that truly cares about the people and completely provides for them (yet) and there likely won't be as long as there is no dire need to. We, as a civilization, will self destruct as a species long before we ever adopt a productive form of socialism that benefits everyone equally.

Vote [insert random candidate here]. Go!
In a world with finite resources and exponentially increasing environmental problems, we should not have a society driven by individual self interest

Vibrant + Bionix + Bali
Donteventrii said:
In a world with finite resources and exponentially increasing environmental problems, we should not have a society driven by individual self interest

Vibrant + Bionix + Bali

ah yes global warming, what a beut that, funny how those who decried it as a sham were and still are ridiculed despite the fact that the model they supported is the one that predicted the current cooling trend. I know, I know consensus is more important than actual science, that's where you poly sci majors always **** yourself and the rest of us along with you.

as for finite resources, not really, here is the thing nature has a way of replenishing and replacing what we take from it so long as you don't totally **** it up.

take for instance bio diesel, here we have a renewable source of fuel, and so long as you use proper farming practices you can keep growing it. You can also make an alcohol type fuel form just about anything that you can ferment. Now you are wondering why we don't do this and stop using oil, well it's simple economics, oil is still cheaper to produce in large quantities than either of these and bio diesel requires food producing fields to be used for it instead, also government subsidies in the corn industry related and unrelated to bio diesel are REALY ****ing up food prices atm, but hey the government knows best right bro?.

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