29 World Tour


World PVP

Where: To be announced at the start of event every week

When: 9PM-1AM Central Standard Time every Friday

I will have summons available for horde and alliance. We CRZ to a low pop server

Sign up below and spread the word.

Your safety from scrubby 100's cannot be guaranteed we will have to deal with it.

Suggest games and rules beyond SMASH FACE below if interested.

It is a circuit now baby! We will be scouting new locations in the week before hand, lend a hand and find a cool spot for 29s to do some PVP in the open world!
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Re: Rumble in the Temple

Reserved for rosters and real id focus points

Rumble in the temple roster




Winner: To much fun to call

Roster for Friday the 14th

Whuda - Horde Hunter

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Re: Rumble in the Temple

I love this idea and i think Shado Pan Monastary is a great place to have, however the time lines up the the 29 3v3 we are trying to get going so I will not be there
Re: Rumble in the Temple

For me it depends on what happens with 39s that day.

39's are scheduled for Saturday, not Friday.

I love this idea and i think Shado Pan Monastary is a great place to have, however the time lines up the the 29 3v3 we are trying to get going so I will not be there

The 3v3 tournament is squatting on the two most desirable days to host an activity pick one, then we can see if we need to re schedule.
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Re: Rumble in the Temple

39's are scheduled for Saturday, not Friday.

The 3v3 tournament is squatting on the two most desirable days to host an activity pick one, then we can see if we need to re schedule.

yeah i got my dates mixed up, ill be there
Re: Rumble in the Temple

Need more sign ups

Is there Just no interest in a world PVP free for all?
Re: Rumble in the Temple

174 views and not ONE alliance has signed up?
Re: Rumble in the Temple

Alright I am gonna go squeeze some teats and make some money, when I get back I expect at least 20 sign ups!!!
Re: Rumble in the Temple

I have summons READY unles sthe alliance wants to forfiet the first round of the world tour.

Re: Rumble in the Temple

Currently 4 on 4 NEED MORE
Re: Rumble in the Temple

To everyone who showed up thanks for coming, it was great fun, will be scouting more locations and doing it again next Friday at the same time in a new and exciting location.

I am going to call the first round of the world tour a draw, yes he horde had more numbers and probly got more kills but I doubt any of the people playing horde had more fun than i did playing alliance.


To those who were to afraid of the big bad world to join in or to obsessed with farming failed to pays in a 5 man, We had more fun than you did and we know it!
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Need votes to determine locations

Last week we did Shado Pan, it was AWESOME in every way, however some new opportunities have presented themselves, Temple of the jade serpents Larger area same short corpse runs no hostile mobs and all 90+ toons are phased from us there, and Dire Maul way out of the way short corpse runs nice balance of LOS and open same short corpse runs.

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