29 Warrior Arena help

1. What is the best glyph choice?

Charge minor.

Charge, Rend, Overpower, or hamstring major?

2. Do you want a high balanced set or more of a dps gear set?

Lots of stamina stacking or mainly just go for dps stats?

3. Best spec? I heard arms is pretty much the best, but what would the spec look like?

I was thinking something like this.


3. What is the best One hander and Shield.

I heard marbled buckler with 18 sta, and either protector's sword, Crescent of Forlorn spirits (with battlemasters), or the PvE BOA.

Also not sure which enchants are best for the one hander or the shield.

5. Useful macros? I know a good amount like a shield bash one and a few others.

#showtooltip Battle Stance

/equipslot 16 Bloodied arcanite reaper

/cast Battle Stance

#showtooltip Shield Bash

/equipslot 16 Protector's Sword

/equipslot 17 Marbled Buckler

/cast shield bash

#showtooltip Shield Block

/equipslot 16 Protector's Sword

/equipslot 17 Marbled Buckler

/cast [stance:2] Shield Block; Defensive Stance

#showtooltip Disarm

/cast [stance:2] Disarm; Defensive Stance

#showtooltip Shield Wall

/equipslot 16 Protector's Sword

/equipslot 17 Marbled Buckler

/cast [stance:2] Shield Wall; Defensive Stance

PS: I am sure a lot of this is personal preference or your arena partner(s)/makeup.
i have lot of stamina set - around 2200hp

for glyphs... well i am a PVE twink now so i have an extra cleave

but i want to tell you that if you are doing arena and you meet a holy pala 1vs1 - just leave arena
if you run with a healer then you can boost your damage at the cost of some hp; if you run double dps then some more survivability is wanted.

your spec should indeed be arms; currently it just has the highest amount of damage and the possible burst with it is quite painful.

As for a shield; I think its quite useless to stack massive amounts of stamina on a shield when you most likely have started without a shield. Do get a shield with a lot of stamina tho; but also think about using a shield with higher block rating or dmg procs on it. Both of those can help vs physical dmg classes.

Protectors sword with crusader is by my knowledge the best weapon combined with a shield. Tho for some higher avoidance you could consider a high agi weapon with a agi enchants to increase your dodge perhaps.
Could the Thrasher Blade BoA one hander with lifestealing

or the Crescent of Forlorn Spirits with one of the BC enchants (mongoose, battlemasters?)

Be better than the protectors sword with lifestealing?

And how is the Felsteel shield enchant? Can it be applied to any 29 shield?


Is Hamstring glyph pretty much the best major glyph choice for arena?
The Felsteel shield spike works on all shields, so you can even put it on the BoP Gnomer with 5% dmg proc of it self; or a 29 block rating shield.

As for Cresent; don't put mongoose on it; I do not have the numbers myself, but several sources that I read did show that the uptime/proc rate of it just ain't worth using it. Same can go for the battlemaster enchant I guess; tho that enchant is just not worthwhile for anything I think. At least, all seems to indicate that crusader, lifestealing and fiery proc WAY more then battlemaster.

What on cresent could work is potency; the raw AP from it is a good constant boost, or 20 agi.

Crusader: 3.57 DPS (+2 AP class) , 1.66 HPS (healing per second)

Lifestealing: 2.36 DPS , 2.36 HPS

(source: [item]Formula: Enchant Weapon - Lifestealing[/item])

Just to add some info to the Lifesteal/Crusader choice; I do agree with Cpt btw; lifestealing just gives a better balance between dps/hps.

And for a more guiding profile;

The World of Warcraft Armory

Spec/glyph/gear is all pretty much best possible; or at least close enough to use it as a reference.
RC-ST. said:
i suggest spec - protection

If you like to see your partners die first and want to be on the 'ignore' of your opponent till your the last standing; then sure roll protection.
well don t listen to my suggestion, is just a suggestion from a level 29 twink war protection with 10.000 HK - listen to level 19 rogue twinks and level 29 pala twinks and other twinks that really knows what s best for a warrior

anyway, it was a simple suggestion. And I don t really want people to go protection cause it s really good the last stand sheet and if everybody uses it then I won t be so happy

and I was about to forget - don t use defensive stance either and disarm to a 2h enemy cause this will cause you to totaly pwn him without even understand what happened to him :p

and never, and i say NEVER even think about using TLA cause it does much more dps and you don t want to kill your enemy too fast, don't you?

instead - use CM

Personaly I use a +15 str on the 2h weapon, but this is just me, I like to have the highest amount of damage done in the bg/arena

I gues you would preffer some other imba enchants like crusader, and pray to god to proc something , somewhere... somehow.

P.S. Also , if you are a "please proc" fan, you can choose Cobalt Crusher. I have one in my bank , boe. Just bought it to see what s the sheet with it. Never bind it.

I also have a mace from gnomeregan that has 500 haste once at every 30 min. but this don t work in arena. If you wana pwn someone in a duel/pve use it. It s actually the best 2h weapon once at every 30 min.
RC-ST why the hell would you even consider it for arena? you do minimal damage and most of the moves require a shield. You should do CM arms cause of the overpower crits will be higher. the enchant should be crusader because itll proc a lot cause of CMs speed.

RC you have highest damage done in BG cause YOU FIGHT NON TWINKS. you dont even arena. Cobalt Crusher is garbage. so is the 500 haste mace.

btw you 10k HKs as a warrior is unimpressive. I have 17k on my pally and 9k on my priest. so that has no relevance what so ever.
RC-ST. said:
well don t listen to my suggestion, is just a suggestion from a level 29 twink war protection with 10.000 HK -

made me lol... 10k is a joke, a active leveler in bg's used to have that when they were about to leave the 20-29 bracket without twinking.

And just that you rolled one doesn't mean that you have the most experience with it; I am quite sure that I have seen more spec and more diversity in gear then you have ever dreamed of possible with a warrior.
hes RC-ST...5$ he doesnt read any of the stuff we said and just goes..."NO UR BAD OMG AJL:DKJAD:KJAEPIOUQEHOPXHQ#I#:!@"

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