29 warlock, need help with BIS gear


Hi im making a warlock in the 29 bracket, but i have hard time figuring out what gear to get. can anyone link an armory or a gear list or smthing?
Oh? how so? i've never played lock past 19 so i dont know to much about it, but it seemed kewl. Ty for the armory!
you must be joking to post that amory /gear list~!
why is it people use these threads to show off heir gf'd toons

we get it, youre gf'd, we are all very proud of you
I get the feeling it's not so much that people are trying to show of GF twinks but that there have been so few new 29s created there's not many people on TI that have just current gear. Most of the 29s on TI I've seen have all been around for a while.. I could be wrong though
I get the feeling it's not so much that people are trying to show of GF twinks but that there have been so few new 29s created there's not many people on TI that have just current gear. Most of the 29s on TI I've seen have all been around for a while.. I could be wrong though

Nah you can find plenty of almost any other class that is not grandfathered but warlocks don't get much face time not to popular
Warlocks are hard to enjoy at 29 but the best of luck to you.

Would you mind going into a bit more depth here? I'm an old player, but not a twinker, at least not yet, so please excuse my ignorance.

I was thinking a Destro Lock would be fun with Seduce and all the Soul Firing and massive burst. A la DrakeDog style from Vanilla.

Thanks. So do Warlocks ever make viable Twinks? They don't seem to be viable in 19 or 29 according to the guides on here.

Warlocks work at 29 you just have to work at it and realize your not going to be a bg hero.

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