29 Twink Warlock [H]

So i'm starting a 29 warlock twink. As far as race I'm going with an orc for Blood Fury and Hardness. Other then that I don't know to much. Any tips, suggestions, or armories I should look up. There is a guide out on pwndepot but its dated and incomplete. Thanks!
bizarrocosby drainessence vertek im actually not sure if bizarro is 29 still. armory is down atm and i cant check.
Ok thanks, I will check them when its back up.
Alright good night and thanks again!
Odd, bad set up IMO....sure he has 3400 hp for a FC set up, but with 15 spell dmg he wont be killing any thing. Casters..its all about balance!!

Although generally warlocks sacrfice mana/mp5/int and sometimes hp for spell dmg, with decent spell dmg you can get life/mana back from drains and the such.
Yeah I'm mostly looking for a balenced gear/talent spec. Decent stamina so I can play FC a little and nice spell power for dps.
Naturaltalnt said:
Odd, bad set up IMO....sure he has 3400 hp for a FC set up, but with 15 spell dmg he wont be killing any thing. Casters..its all about balance!!

well he's one of the more skilled players out there, i can imagine a warlock could kite pretty well with fear and seduce, and flag carry to victory.
As far as glyphs, waht should I use?
depends on spec really. im not sure of all the 29 glyphs for locks tho.
Ok well i'm looking at a mostly balenced spec, not really a full out dps build.
Yeah I was looking at the glyph that gives a chance to reduce the mana cost or interuption by 100% as a possibility.
more info...BoA possible?

and setup a first gearset to show us...aske for suggestions and additions then.

i played a 29 lock and will help you, but please do the ground work yourself. you got armories and wowhead...it is not so hard to some research.

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