29 Twink funding Horde Reckoning

Joercis said:
i'll be waiting on this site then... my account is innactive at the moment, i just moved to an other city, got a new job and just need to settle things before i start wow again (thats why i say about 2 months till everything's done ^^)

Aight, sending it now.
this guy is not funding any twink

he just gives some stupid items to a twink. If you are a twink you don t need the items = cause twinks have perfect gear...

is just a guy who wana be healer on his ass
It's not because you want to fund some people yourself that you have to say the others wont... sigh you're too serious about it.
RC-ST. said:
this guy is not funding any twink

he just gives some stupid items to a twink. If you are a twink you don t need the items = cause twinks have perfect gear...

is just a guy who wana be healer on his ass

Not funding any twinks? lolwut?
Rottentomato said:
Not funding any twinks? lolwut?

Damn this makes me wanna play on US servers :b Nothing possibilitys to get that happen in EU, atleast in Cyclone
I played a 29 hunter for a long ass time and i was going to make another. I was making one on Frostmane but when i heard you guys were recruiting i figured i would apply. I would much rather have one on Skywall because you guys are actually active, there is nobody left on frostmane. Let me know if you still need a hunter and i will send you that SS of my interface.
im currently making a 29 hunter on stonemaul, should the queue times be too long, i will transfer to you, the only thing i ask for help with is a 9/9 hat of the falcon and AGM help (possibly some engi, but mostly lvled). MY main is a hunter so i know what im doing.
Lifesavior said:
im currently making a 29 hunter on stonemaul, should the queue times be too long, i will transfer to you, the only thing i ask for help with is a 9/9 hat of the falcon and AGM help (possibly some engi, but mostly lvled). MY main is a hunter so i know what im doing.

You won't be getting a 9/9 falcon hat, they're incredihard to find and I don't even have one.

You'll get an agm if you're good and active.
I'm thinking about transferring over a 29 or two. They won't need funding :)

Emberstorm is teh suck for anything but 19s. Even then, while the 19s queues are alright, the player quality isn't so hot.

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