29 Twink funding Horde Reckoning

Well, as many of you may know, Reckoning is THE 29 twink scene. it currently houses 2 Horde guilds and 2 Alliance guilds, with another horde guild supposedly rerolling, and perhaps another alliance guild on it's way.

I am an officer in Glass Shooter FTL, the current most active horde guild on reckoning. My guild leader has given me the responsibility to recruit some experienced 29 twinks, you will be fully funded including first aid (low on cloth atm, but you will get 225 first aid) , engineering, BoEs, enchants, gear runs, ect ect.

We have STV chest on farm with several 80s helping us take the chest as often as they are on, many of our twinks have arena grand masters, I myself even have two, to give you an idea on just how many times we win the stv chest.

Why would you want to make a 29 for Glass shooter FTL? Because Reckoning is the most active 29 battlegroup in the US, we do premades every Sunday run semi premades on Wednesday, we get good warsong pops in pugs during peak hours and 10-20 min queues in off hours. We have some very skilled 29ers that organize arenas with alliance guilds and other horde guilds, we do 2v2s 3v3s and 5v5s so if that's your thing, you will feel right at home on reckoning!

What classes are we looking for? you might be asking. we are looking for players with experience playing a variety of classes, but first and foremost:

One good mage OR shaman,

One (Perhaps another, if two very good hunters apply) good hunter.

One good DISC priest, if you wanna play shadow, well then this isn't for you. Sorry.

One good HOLY pally, we really need a great holy pally in this guild because previous funding of holy pallies hasn't turned out as we had hoped for.

One other twink to be decided OR an amazing flag carrier with premade experience and a microphone with vent who can listen to our Defensive leader in 10 man warsongs.

THE REQUIREMENTS: Well we've funded alot of twinks, some have turned out well and others have been.... A disappointment due to inactivity and such.

That being said, if you wish to apply to play one of the above listed classes above, what you need to do is come talk to anyone on Skywall about the class you want to make.

You must Register on this website : Chardev.org . This is a character planning site, make the character you want to make including spec, glyphs, gear. to do so select character planner on the menu bar and select your race, class, and level. then search for the gear in the left hand box. if the gear piece you have chosen is a random enchantment, go to the enchants section of the gear and there is a drop down, select the stats you want on your green.

Why am I asking all who wish to apply to design their character on this site? Because to be frank, I want people to know about the bracket, and how to gear and spec their twinks, because we've had people make twinks here and ask how to gear them every step of the way, and they usually haven't turned out to well. knowing how to gear your twink shows that you know what you're doing gear-wise and spec/class wise.

If you don't wanna take that five minutes to register, then this isn't for you. sorry for making you read this far into the post.

Ventrilo, is a must. again, if you don't wanna take the 5 mins to DL Ventrilo , then this isn't for you. A plus if you have a microphone. but it isn't entirely needed. However if we get two applicants who are of equal skill and knowledge, we will probably go with the one who has a microphone.

A screen shot of your UI and keybindings. Your application will not even be considered seriously until I can see your keybindings. if you don't wanna take the 5 mins to upload an ss of your UI, whatever. you just won't be accepted.

You must have a computer mouse and not be a keyboard turner, we want good players, so if you keyboard turn, that's cool. it's your business, I'm not gunna tell you how to play this game, but you will not be accepted as a fundee.

We would prefer you not be a total douchebag, enough said really :\

You need to be active, we would prefer if your newly funded 29 twink become your main twinks in the bracket, this isn't much to ask as many of our members have made their new twinks (including myself) their 'main' twinks that they play. if you like, work long hours every day and on weekends or can only invest like 2-4hours a week into WoW, I am sorry but this probably isn't for you.

Have fun! why play this game at all if you don't enjoy it?

People you should contact on skywall, wtscritspst, Uddertastic, zomgbalance (all the same person, guild master) Myself, Phazzenator/phazzity, Pedro/optimal (has alt codes, just /who glass shooter) Symbolik/Symbadlik, ask em for the vent info if you want, people usually chill on vent.

Please post your application including Chardev.org profile and your UI/keybindings in this thread:

World of Warcraft - English (NA) Forums -> 29 twink funding Reckoning Horde.
Hi I'm a 29 hunter twinker but i don't really ask to be funded and not now anyways.

I'm gonna start playing again in about 2 months once i get everything set up in RL and i saw you needed a hunter.


thats my hunter it's pre-3.2 so i'll have to fix some things but i guess it still owns most hunters.

So if you want me in just reply and once i get bac into the game i'll xfer this hunter so i can get into your guild.

Joercis said:
Hi I'm a 29 hunter twinker but i don't really ask to be funded and not now anyways.

I'm gonna start playing again in about 2 months once i get everything set up in RL and i saw you needed a hunter.


thats my hunter it's pre-3.2 so i'll have to fix some things but i guess it still owns most hunters.

So if you want me in just reply and once i get bac into the game i'll xfer this hunter so i can get into your guild.


We accept all Xfers.
I can transfer over a rogue if someone can help me get AGM/Rings or I can make any of those listed. I have experience with (listed only) Shamans/Hunters. I play quite a bit (6+ hours a day), so I have time. I can't post on the forums because Blizzard is shit and I'll make a chardev for w/e you want me to roll. I also have RaF so I can reach 29 in a few hours.
I have a 29 troll priest with most gear already on Frostmane Reckoning. Account is open to you if you want it. It would be entirely yours with no complications.

Question: Who are the Horde guilds you are referring to besides gsFTL? Housed guild and reroll guild.
NickeQuick said:
I have a 29 troll priest with most gear already on Frostmane Reckoning. Account is open to you if you want it. It would be entirely yours with no complications.

Question: Who are the Horde guilds you are referring to besides gsFTL? Housed guild and reroll guild.

WE ARE RAMPAGE, Dragonmaw horde is the guild already there.

Apparently a guild by the name of epic in my pants is rerolling horde on skywall.
iaccidentallytwink said:
I can transfer over a rogue if someone can help me get AGM/Rings or I can make any of those listed. I have experience with (listed only) Shamans/Hunters. I play quite a bit (6+ hours a day), so I have time. I can't post on the forums because Blizzard is shit and I'll make a chardev for w/e you want me to roll. I also have RaF so I can reach 29 in a few hours.

We just got a hunter App that we're very likely to accept, so just whip up and app here as if you were to be interested in playing a Shaman,

About the rogue, if you're good we could probably finish it for you, agm is likely to have a lineup though, and we will be giving preference to those who make the A team for our premades. but dmh/monkey ring won't be a problem.
Vallei said:
We just got a hunter App that we're very likely to accept, so just whip up and app here as if you were to be interested in playing a Shaman,

About the rogue, if you're good we could probably finish it for you, agm is likely to have a lineup though, and we will be giving preference to those who make the A team for our premades. but dmh/monkey ring won't be a problem.

Okay, well. The rogue is still 18 atm, but I have RaF and all BoE gear 'cept 9/9. (Including Vendetta, using BoA Shoulders). I'll post an app by tomorrow.
the issue with Reckoning is that all the 29 guilds are on PST servers...theres not EST Twink guild worth transferring too.

Ruin has a robust population. Transferring to Ruin and promoting on EST/PST would profit way better than everyone going to reckoning when its PST sided.
What spec Shaman?


NickeQuick said:
I have a 29 troll priest with most gear already on Frostmane Reckoning. Account is open to you if you want it. It would be entirely yours with no complications.

Am I reading this right, in that youre giving the account away? If I am, and you want to make some gold or cash, let me know in a pm :p
Crucifer2005 said:
the issue with Reckoning is that all the 29 guilds are on PST servers...theres not EST Twink guild worth transferring too.

Ruin has a robust population. Transferring to Ruin and promoting on EST/PST would profit way better than everyone going to reckoning when its PST sided.

Lol bro, I have a 29 pally on ruin, it's my home battlegroup, I can say without a doubt that reckoning is 100 percent better then ruin in every way imaginable now.

if you wanna have est servers, cool. if you wanna have fun in the best place to be for 29s, also cool. come to reck.
Im confident I know more about 29 hunters than anyone else (on par with about 3 people) and I can beat every single class, including every single hunter Ive versed. My gear isnt even complete yet. I would come play for you guys, but I quit WoW 8]
Subpar said:
What spec Shaman?


Am I reading this right, in that youre giving the account away? If I am, and you want to make some gold or cash, let me know in a pm :p

A healing spec, although healing specs for 29 shamans come in the form of like 7/13 and 0/20/o so I didn't specify.
rishi said:
Im confident I know more about 29 hunters than anyone else (on par with about 3 people) and I can beat every single class, including every single hunter Ive versed. My gear isnt even complete yet. I would come play for you guys, but I quit WoW 8]

Coolio, you want a cookie or somethin' bro?
rishi said:
Im confident I know more about 29 hunters than anyone else (on par with about 3 people) and I can beat every single class, including every single hunter Ive versed. My gear isnt even complete yet. I would come play for you guys, but I quit WoW 8]

how to say it... that was a useless post... gg.

EDIT: oh Vallei, could you send me a PM with the vent infos if it doesnt bother you? i'm the kind of guy who likes to know the people before getting full into it and as i have about 2 months... i'll get the time to know about everyone. thank you
Joercis said:
how to say it... that was a useless post... gg.

EDIT: oh Vallei, could you send me a PM with the vent infos if it doesnt bother you? i'm the kind of guy who likes to know the people before getting full into it and as i have about 2 months... i'll get the time to know about everyone. thank you

I'm online now if you wanna pop on an alt and I'll give you the vent info. other wise I'll send it over this site in a bit.
i'll be waiting on this site then... my account is innactive at the moment, i just moved to an other city, got a new job and just need to settle things before i start wow again (thats why i say about 2 months till everything's done ^^)

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