29 question


So I havnt played my 29 hunter twink since feb 09 and it has alot of the old stuff that isnt obtainable anymore.

I just looked at wolfclaw gloves it's now a level 30 item but he has them equipped, Armory is borked and I'm at work so I was wondering if anyone knows if it counts as working like that since they are equipped. I guess "Grandfathered" in since there equipped is what I'm asking.

I dont know if its like the BC leg enchants and such that got turned off via level req
The gloves will appear as broken (red) and will give no stats anymore. You can keep wearing them (for LOLs) so long as you don't unequip them. I have shoulders on my level 2 bank toon that was hotfixed as level 20 requirement. I still get a lot of tells asking about how I got them.

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