29 plebmades


I saw Burg get something like this together and I think it would be good for the 29 Community if we try to get some fun events in so let's give it a shot!

Game Date and Time: September 12th, 2015. 6pm. Eastern.

Faction Records:
Horde: 0-0
Alliance: 0-0

Game Rules:
1) No more then two of each class.
2) No Feral Druids.
3) 1 BM Monk limit.
4) No weapon swapping.
5) Must be fully geared and enchanted to participate.

Signing Up: Please leave you character's name with a armory link.

If you sign up then find out you can't make it please try to let me know on this thread. If you forget to mention it or are a no show on game day don't worry about it! We can always pick someone up to fill in empty spots!

My goal will be to make comps as balanced as possible. So please sign up according to the spots that are open! If it will unbalance out the comps, I will place the first person to sign up on the team roster, and those who follow on the bench. If first player backs out or doesn't make it on game day we will fill in from there.

Must have Raidcall for a voice chat with your team!

FC- Speedcaps http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/bleeding-hollow/Speedcaps/advanced
Healer -
Healer - Resto Sham http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/korialstrasz/Manyyx/advanced
Healer -
DPS - Rogue http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/darkspear/Visual/simple
DPS- Warrior http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/bleeding-hollow/Asaprobby/advanced
DPS - WW Monk http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/bleeding-hollow/Byehehe/advanced
DPS - BM Monk http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/bleeding-hollow/Milkmyudder/advanced
DPS - Hunter http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/veknilash/Jarnuk/simple
DPS - Hunter http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/dragonmaw/Hunterzo/advanced

Horde Substitute:

FC - Elarane http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/anvilmar/Elarane/advanced
Healer - Resto Sham http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/earthen-ring/Noprøblem/advanced
Healer - Resto Sham http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/arthas/Yngfondles/advanced
Healer - Disc http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/earthen-ring/Notcheeser/advanced
DPS - Ret Paladin http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/onyxia/Dëlayed/advanced
DPS - Rogue http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/stormrage/Drifting/simple
DPS - Spriest http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/undermine/Nåughtynurse/advanced
DPS - Warrior http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/frostmourne/Amellettaers/simple
DPS - BM Monk http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/proudmoore/Brewberrypie/advanced
DPS - Boomkin http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/bleeding-hollow/Snug/advanced

Alliance Substitute:
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Alrighty guys lookin good so far if your interested and your spot is fill sign up anyways neaby SOMONE has to drop out never know :p
Really what about all those 3v3 tournies you were suppost to host oh wait nah just ditch now plz back off :)
Really what about all those 3v3 tournies you were suppost to host oh wait nah just ditch now plz back off :)
Herbal took them over. I already had this same thing scheduled. I grew up with three younger brothers so I understand that I am not going to be able to explain anything to you, so do as you want. "now plz back off" That phrase right there screams 12 years old.
Here is the actual thread for this, started about a week ago. Thanks for trying to make an effort though star!

These seem like two different events that are similar and happen on the same day. I commend you both on your effort. But, it seems like you guys have 3 options; combine your efforts and participants ; remain two completely separate entities or compete for participants. All three are viable choices but as an outsider looking in and someone who will not be there I know what choice I would find the most entertaining.

I'll dumb that down

Good job both ya fer trying to do stuff but play together play alone or fight
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How come?

It was a direct copy and paste... Would have been cool to see this actually happen though. 29s need something.. Hopefully James' war games work out! Would like to see the games!

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