29 or 39 enhance shaman?


as the title says, what bracket would you roll for enhance, 29, or 39, because at 29 you dont get windfury so i dont know if it will be all that decent, on the other side, stormstrike might be better in that bracket
I have a 39 enhance shaman and they are really fun. Unfortunately I havn't played him in MoP but in Cata they were pretty squishy, even with having off spec heals. I assume thats better with 40% resilliance. The WF procs are great though and in instances I was always number 1 in DPS and in BGs I was normally #3 or 4 in kills (was always behind a hunter, was still in Cata). However I wouldn't reccomend either as the games are far and few in between, more so with 29s. But 39 shamans are alot of fun so if your going to roll on one of those, roll a 39.
Go 39s! There are games twice a week. 29s is dead unless you enjoy arena.

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