29 Hunter Twink Guide

Hello and welcome to Naturals 29 Hunter guide, I hope ya find what your looking for ;) enjoy.

(Tip: BC = 35+ items levels/enchants)

Table of Contents!!

A) Gear

B) Enchants

C) Pets

D) Talents & Builds

E) Spells & Skills

F) Races

G) Glyphs

H) Personal Thoughs

I) References

A) Gear

Head - Possible stat combinations

- Pathfinder 9/9, 9/8, 8/8, May also be 13 & 14 of stamina or of intellect


- Infiltrator Cap 8/8, 8/7, 7/7, May also be 12 & 13 of stamina or of intellect

- Robust Helm 8/8, 8/7, 7/7, May also be 12 & 13 of stamina or of intellect

- Scaled Leather Helm 8/8, 8/7, 7/7, May also be 12 & 13 of stamina or of intellect

- Enduring Cap


- Scout's Medallion (Horde)

- Sentinel's Medallion (Alliance)

- River Pride Choker

- Amulet of Truesight


- Forest Tracker Epauletsts

- Watchman Pauldrons

- Mantle of Thieves

- Berylline Pads


- Tigerstrike Mantle

Note, if you picked up Eng go for the Parachute cloak (BC Enchantable)


- Raptor Hunter Tunic (BC Enchantable)


- Barbaric Bracer

- Emissary Cuffs

- Gallan Cuffs (Horde, BC Enchantable)

- Arcane Runed Bracers (Alliance, BC Enchantable)


- Razzerics Racing Grips (BC Enchantable)


- Wolfclaw Gloves

- Toughended Lether Gloves

- Nagabattle Gloves


- Defiler's Chain Girdle(Horde)

- Highlander's Padded Girdle (Alliance)

- Moss Cinch & Girdle of the Blindwatcher, if you desire Int with some Stam


- Triprunner Dungarees


- Defiler's Chain Greaves (Horde)

- Highlander's Padded Greaves (Alliance)

- Harbringer boots are for you Stam collectors

Rings - Many choices here

- Warsong Ring: Protector's Band (Alliance) Legionnaire's Band (Horde)

- Seal of Wrynn (Alliance)

- Deadman's Hand (Epic, can be annoying to farm)

- Charged Gear (Farming required)

- Nogg's Gold Ring (Horde)

- Plains Ring

- Ring of Forlorn Spirits (Alliance)

Trinkets - Again many choices

- Arena Grand Master (Win 12 gurubashi Arenas in STV)

- Warsong Gulch Alliance/Horde

- Arathi Basin Alliance/Horde

- Insignia of Alliance/Horde

Engineering trinkets:

- Net-o-Matic

- Shrink Ray

- World Enlarger

- Gnomish Cloaking Device

Weapons - Ahh the fun part

- Warsong Dagger Alliance/Horde

- Zealot Blade

- The Butcher

- Thornspike

- Armor Piercer (Agi Collectors)

- Cresent of Forlorn Spirits (Alliance, BC Enchantable)

- Bleeding Cresent (Horde, BC Enchantable)

Ranged Weapons

- Master Hunters Rifle/Bow are top dog

(Start this quest after you finish these chains Raptor, Tiger, & Panther)

(As soon as you hit 28)


- Chesterfall Musket

- Crystalpine Stinger

- Harpyclaw Short Bow

- Ironweaver

- Warsong Bow Alliance/Horde

- Nightstalker Bow

B) Enchants


- N/A


- 70 armor

- 3 agility

- 10 shadow resistance

- 15 nature resistance

- 5 resistance to all

(if you have the parachute cloak get 12 agility)


- 4 stats

- 100 Health

- 100 Mana

BC Enchants

- 150 Health

- 6 stats


- 9 stamina

- 7 intellect

BC Enchants

- 24 ap

- 12 stamina

- 12 intellect

- 4 stats


- 15 agility

BC Enchants

- 26 ap

- 15 hit

- 10 critical strike rating


- 7 Stamina

- 7 agility


- Rugged Armor Kit on Triprunner Dungarees


- 15 agility

- 22 int

- 25 agility (2 handers)

- If you have a BC enchantable weapon, go for a BC enchant

Ranged Weapons Scopes

+3 Scope

C) Pets (All Pets now have the same 5/5/5 Modifiers)


Role: Utility and PvP

Cunning pets are the most flexible of the three talent trees. Their talents focus on utility and mobility, which makes them especially valuable in PvP fights. But that same flexibility also makes Cunning pets a good all-around choice for soloing and small groups.

Stat Modifiers +5% Health, +5% Armor, +5% damage

Bats Sonic Blast - Emits a piercing shriek, inflicting [rank] Nature damage and stunning the target for 2 sec. 20 yard range, 1 minute cooldown.

Birds of Prey Snatch - The bird of prey grabs the enemy's weapon with its talons, causing [rank] damage and disarming them for 6 sec. 1 minute cooldown.

Serpents Poison Spit - Spits poison at an enemy, dealing [rank] Nature damage over 8 sec and reduces the target's casting speed by 50% for 8 sec. 30 yard range, 10 second cooldown.

Ravagers Ravage - Violently attacks an enemy for [rank], stunning it for 2 sec. 40 second cooldown.

Wind Serpents Lightning Breath - Breathes lightning, instantly dealing [rank] Nature damage to a single target. 10 second cooldown.

Spiders Web - Encases the target in sticky webs, preventing movement for 4 sec. 40 second cooldown.

Dragonhawks Fire Breath - Breaths Fire on the target for [rank] damage plus [rank] damage over 2 sec. 10 second cooldown.


Role: DPS and Raids

Ferocity pets are all about the damage. Their talents focus on increasing both their damage and yours, and they have some nice abilities aimed at keeping them alive as well. Ferocity pets are popular in groups and raids, but can also help polish off enemies extra fast in solo play and PvP.

Stat Modifiers +5% Health, +5% Damage, +5% Armor

Raptors Savage Rend - Slashes the enemy with the raptor's talons for [rank] damage, and causes the target to bleed for [rank] damage every 5 sec for 15 sec. Successful critical strikes with this ability temporarily boost the raptor's attack power. 1 minute cooldown

Cats Prowl - Puts your pet in stealth mode, but slows its movement speed by [rank]%. The first attack from stealth receives a [rank]% bonus to damage. Lasts until cancelled. 10 second cooldown.

Wasps Sting - Your wasp stings for [rank] Nature damage, and decreases the armor of the target by [rank] for 20 sec. While affected, the target cannot stealth or turn invisible. 6 second cooldown

Wolves Furious Howl - Increases melee and ranged attack power by [scaled amount] for party and raid members within 45 yards of the wolf. Lasts 10 sec. 10 second cooldown

Moths Serenity Dust - The moth's wings produce a cloud of dust that increases its attack power by 10% and heals it for [rank] over 15 sec. 1 minute cooldown

Carrion Birds Demoralizing Screech - Blasts a single enemy for [rank] damage and lowers the melee attack power of all enemies in melee range by [rank]. Effect lasts 10 sec. 10 second cooldown

Tallstriders Dust Cloud - Your tallstrider kicks up an obscuring cloud of dust, causing all enemies within 10 yards to miss their next attack. Lasts for 8 sec. 40 second cooldown

Hyenas Tendon Rip - Tears at an enemy's legs for [rank] and reducing movement speed by 50% for 6 sec. 20 second cooldown


Role: Tank and Solo

Tenacity pets have extra health and a variety of talents for staying alive, protecting their friends, and keeping the enemy focused on them and not you. Tenacity pets are excellent for solo questing and leveling and can even tank for a small group in many situations.

Stat Modifiers +5% Armor, +5% Health, +5% Damage

Bears Swipe - Swipe 3 nearby enemies, inflicting [rank] damage. 5 second cooldown

Boars Gore - Your boar gores the enemy for [rank]. Causes double damage if used within 6 seconds of a Charge. 10 second cooldown

Crabs Pin - Pins the target in place, and squeezes for [rank] damage over 4 sec. 40 second cooldown

Crocolisks Bad Attitude - Snap back for [rank] damage at any target that strikes you for the next 45 sec. 2 minute cooldown

Turtles Shell Shield - The turtle partially withdraws into its shell, reducing damage taken by 50% for 12 sec. 1 minute cooldown

Scorpids Scropid Poison - Stings an enemy for [rank] Nature damage over 10 sec. Effect can stack up to 5 times on a single target. 4 second cooldown
D) Talents

Beast Mastery

Improved Aspect of the Hawk - A very good talent if you use Hawk alot, 10% chance to increase your attack speed by 15% on ranged attacks.

Endurance Training - If you and your pet need more health, you found it. A great place to throw some extra points, or if your speccing to be a Flag Carrier.

Focused Fire - While you don't get the full effect of this talent until after 29, its nice for a bit more damage, 2% more.

Improved Aspect of the Monkey - 6% more dodge to the already 18% of it? Are we rogues or hunters ;)

Thick Hide - More of a filler talent at this level, reduce the physical damage you and your pet take.

Revive Pet - If you can find the points, a great skill to pick up if your pet keeps dieing, the mana and time become almost nothing.

Pathfinding - Almost useless, since we dont have pack or mounts it only increases Cheeta by 8%

Aspect Mastery - The BM 11 pointer, increases the effectiveness of all Aspects

Unleashed Fury - A staple of the BM tree, increases your pets damge by 15%!

Improved Mend Pet - As all smart BM hunters will tell you, a live pet is a happy pet, reduced mana cost, and a chance to remove diseases, curses, poisons, and magic effects!

Ferocity - 10% increased chance for your pet to crit, very nice.


Improved Concussive Shot - Increase the daze effect by 2 seconds.

Focused Aim - Almost useless at this level, no steady shot, but 3% more hit.

Lethal Shots - the best tier 1 MM talent, 5% critical increased chance.

Careful Aim - Your Attack Power is increased by 100% of your intellect, nice for hunters that focus a bit more on intellect than normal.

Improved Hunters Mark - reduce mana cost by 100% and Increase Attack Power bonus by 30%, good for MM hunters.

Mortal Shots - Increased critical strike damage by 30%, a must.

Go For The Throat - Ranged criticals give your pet 50 focus, nice for keeping your pet constally attacking.

Improved Arcane Shots - 15% increase damage for arcane shots.

Aimed Shot - 11 point MM talent, excellent for killing healers or nice damage increase.

Rapid Killing - If you sit mid field and love to constally be in the fray, this is a must have.

Improved Stings - Better serpent sting, thats it.

Efficieny - 15% reduced mana cost on shots and stings, nice for lasting power.


Improved Tracking - 5% more direct damage to whatever your tracking, awesome!

Hawk Eye - increase your range by 6 yards.

Savage Strikes - 20% increase crit chance on your 3 melee abilitys, bleh.

Surefooted - 30% reduced duration of movement imparing effects.

Entrapment - Root all targets near the trap when triggered for 4 seconds, heck ya

Trap Mastery - 30% Better traps

Survival Instincts - Even without 2 of the 3 shots, 4% reduced damage and 4% more critical strike chance for arcane shot is nice.

Survivalist - 10% increase health, another nice talent for health and Flag Carrying.

Scatter Shot - the 11 point Survival talent, a dis-orient that is very useful in a variety of situations.

Deflection - 3% increase chance to parry and 50% reduced duration of disarms.

Survival Tatics- We dont have Feign Death yet, but we do have traps, as well as disengage.

T.N.T - useless, we only have Immolation Trap.

Lock and Load - A MUST, 2 free arcane shots any time you use a frost trap, & a 6% chance every time immolate trap deals damage.


Remember!! These builds are not set in stone and should be re-designed to fit your playstyle, as everyone is diffrent, but these are a good basis to start on.

0/0/20 My Survival Build

20/0/0 Beast Master Build

0/20/0 Marksmenship dmg Build

0/20/0 Marksmen Int/Mana Build

0/0/20 Survival FC Build

0/2/18 Defense Build

E) Spells & Skills

Trackings Tracking is a very important part of a good hunters arsenal, the ability to see humaniods, beast, stealth, and etc on your mini map is key to keeping up with all thats going on around you, learn to master this and you won't get caught off gaurd ;).

Traps Another crucial part of any hunters skills, at 29 you will have 3 traps. Immolation, Freezing, Frost. Placement is key!! You must learn to drawn and lure your oppents into traps to make them useful, or place them near squishy healer/casters to support them. While Immolation won't be used nearly as often as the other 2 it can still be a nice increase in damage. Freezing is nice for taking an enemy out of the fray for 5-10 seconds, which can be a life saver, then lastly Frost, probably the most used and useful of the 29 traps, the ability to slow down multiple opponents is un-matched.

Aspects With the mana cost of these being removed you are now free to change between these as you wish. At 29 you will have Cheeta, Monkey, Hawk, and Viper. Running 30% faster with Cheeta is what makes hunters so deadly, with no mounts in this bracket, being able to move quickly to diffrent desired locations can turn the tide of a battle in a pinch. Monkey was recentlly buffed to 18% dodge chance, a very nice buff indeed, very helpful againest rogues. and of course Hawk, the AP added to this makes it your offensive aspect, used againest Flag Carriers, Squishys, and when your in the back wrecking havoc. Lastly Viper, reducing your damage by 50% means you dont want to use it in combat, but nice before or after a fight to regain mana.

Stings & Shots Your most used sting will be serpent, a poison dot that can be applied at range. Scropid Sting reduces chance to hit with range/melee by 3%, very very situtational.

Arcane shot will be used almost every cooldown its up, major bursting power to your rotation, especially with lock and load.

Multi-Shot is another useful shot, hitting 3 targets and nice damage

Other SKills

Disengage - Newly changed, now jumps you back 20 yards, very very useful.

Raptor Strike/Mongoose bite/wing clip - your 3 melee abilitys, wing clip is very useful, while doing almost no damage, it slows down your oppents and is spammable.

Rapid Fire - One of the few Hunter cooldowns, great for bursting people with a 40% haste increase.

Mend Pet - Keep your pet health and alive ;)

Hunters Mark - Great for keeping pesky rogues from disappering in stealth, as well as adding Attack Power to your shots.

Eagle Eye - Great for scouting large distances of land, such as keeping track of things in AB from the Lumebr Mill.

Eyes of the Beast - Become your pet, scout and use your pet.

F) Races


Night Elf - Great choice

Shadowmeld (Active)

Quickness (Passive)

Nature Resistance (Passive) Great vs druids and rogue poison

Wisp Spirit (Passive) Under rated racial

Dwarf - Great choice

Gun Specialization (Passive)

Stoneform (Active)

Frost Resistance (Passive)

Find Treasure (Active)

Mace Specializaiton (Passive) We can't use maces. :rolleyes:

Draenei - Decent choice

Gift of Naaru (Active) At 29 it heals for 470. (The benefit gained from attack power is not calculated into this)

Heroic Presence (Passive) Doesn't show on your buff list

Shadow Resistance (Passive) Great vs priests and warlocks

Gemcutting (Passive)


Orc - Great choice

Axe Specialization (Passive)

Blood Fury (Active) At 29 we gain 118 attack power.

Command (Passive)

Hardiness (Passive)

Tauren - Decent choice

War Stomp (Active)

Endurance (Passive)

Nature Resistance (Passive) Great vs druids and rogue poison

Cultivation (Passive)

Troll - Great Choice

Berserking (Active) Does not activate the global cooldown.

Bow Specialization (Passive)

Throwing Specialization (Passive) :rolleyes:

Regeneration (Passive)

Da Voodoo Shuffle (Passive)

Beast Slaying (Passive)

Blood Elf - Worst choice

Arcane Torrent (Active)

Magic Resistance (Passive) Best blood elf racial

Arcane Affinity (Passive)

G) Glyphs


Serpent Sting - increase your Serpent Sting by 6 seconds.

Hawk - increase the haste bonus by 6%.

Hunters Mark - Increase the Attack Power bonus by 20%.

Arcane Shot - Refunds 20% of the mana cost if one of your stings is active on the target.

Immolation Trap - Reduce the duration by 6 seconds but increase the damage by 100%.

Multi-Shot - Reduce the cooldown of Multi-Shot by 1 second.

Freezing Trap - When your Freezing trap breaks, the victims speed is reduced by 30% for 4 seconds.

Disengage - Reduce the cooldown of Disengage by 5 seconds.

Deterrence - Reduce the cooldown of Deterrence by 10 seconds. (We can use this glyph but don't have Deterrence yet, It use to be the 11 point survival talent)

Aimed shot - Reduce the cooldown of Aimed shot by 2 seconds.

Rapid Fire - Increase the haste bonus by 8%.

Frost Trap - Increase the range of your Frost Trap by 2 yards.

Mending - Increase the healing done by your mend pet ability by 40%.

Raptor Strike - Reduce damage taken by 20% for 3 seconds after using Raptor Strike.

Scatter Shot - Increase the range of Scatter Shot by 3 yards.


Scare Beast - Reduce the pushback suffured while casting Scare Beast by 75%.

Revive Pet - Reduce the pushback suffured while casting Revive Pet by 100%.

Possessed Strenght - Increase the damage your pet causes by 50% while Eyes of the Beast is active.

Mend Pet - Your Mend Pet spell increase the happiness of your pet slightly. (20 happiness per tick)
H) Personal Thoughs


With the change to pets, almost every type can be viable unlike in BC and Pre-BC. With so many choices it really comes down to your personal play style.

My main pet is Shadow, a bird of prey "owl" who I have had for quite some time, the many diffrent types of attacks that are available to pets now makes it that much more of a personal choice.


While I have played with every spec under the sun for a 29 hunter, my personal pick is survival. The defensive abilitys it adds can be unmatched if used correctlly, generally only healers will cause you problems and even then you can overcome them if you use your cooldowns at the correct time and place.

MM can be fun and would be more for the DPS crowd. With Aimed shot, more crit, less mana, and other offensive abilitys this tree is quite nice for the hunter that loves to do as much damage as possible. On top of that it elimates the problem you have with healers, but at the same time opening up a weakness to melee.

BM is a very under rated spec for the 29 hunter, rarly used in comparision to its two counter parts. It recieved some love in the past couple of patchs and can be a decent spec, I still would choose one of the other two over BM.


As we get 1 major and 1 minor at 29 its important to pick carefully which you will use.

My personal pick is Glyph of Frost Trap, combined with the talents buffing traps you can cover the field with ice slowing & rooting enemeys while your allies are free to do as they wish.

As for our minor, I decided on Glyph of Mend Pet, as my pet seems to lose health to the various enemys I fight, he loses happieness with each hit as well as health, this allows me to use less food to feed my already obese owl.

Fighting Opponents

No matter who your enemey is, its important to utilize all of your skills, mastering your pet maneuvering, trap placement, and shot rotation.

Yes other skills play into battles as well but mastering these 3 are the first step in your training as a 29 hunter.

I personally suggest binding your pet agg/defense/passive as well as the pets special so you can quickly change targets with them, this is even more important with the new abilitys pets have at there disposal.

Traps also play a big role in your battle ground life, while a majority of the time I use Frost Trap, the other 2 can come in handy, and do prove there usefulness when called upon. Freezing trap + bandage can get you out of many a sticky situtations.

Then of course shot rotation and targets are the last key piece to the first step of journay. There will come a time where you will be out numbered and must be able to quickly switch targets to use various shots and stings, in combination with traps and other abilitys.

Tab target can be an easy way to switch, if there are more than 3, as well as pets it can prove to be more harmful than any thing.

I) References

These are some of the various sites I used in my guide.

World of Warcraft Community Site


Thottbot: World of Warcraft

Petopia: A complete guide to hunter pets in the World of Warcraft.

<span xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" href="http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Text" property="dc:title" rel="dc:type">Naturaltalnt's</span> 29 Hunter Guide is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

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Updated as of June 11, 2009

Somethings are still in the works, such as the possible addition of BoA Gear.

If I happened to overlook something, let me know!


Updated July 29

A few changes to gear and enchants.

Revamped References

Major changes to race section

Added links and updated the glyph section

Changed the numbering system for the guide
I think troll should be listed as GREAT choice.

Beserking-10% increased haste, with the possibilty of 30% if your life dips low enough

Bow Specialization-1%crit chance to bow, 1% is alot more then it sounds

Regeneration-Its aite, still another passive that is usefull tho. 10% better life regen isnt 2 bad

Da Voodoo shuffle-15% less time being movement impared, very usefull in bgs

beast slaying- thats 5% extra damage to hunter pets and druids who are shifted.

I think obviously the best to choices for horde are orc and troll, and i went troll with mine, trolls also start with more agility then an orc does. They start with 25 agi compared to orcs who get 20, 5 agility is a good amount at 19 and 29.

my 2c :)
True, I orginally had a different word for each race but decided later it looked odd, and trolls are indeed a great choice.

I have not had the time to actually look up BoAs for hunter. Although from reports that I've heard no BoA piece is required for a hunter twink.

Master Bow/Gun > BoA

There are better wepaons for hunters

Shoulders are probably the most questionable

Although when I get free time to review BoAs, I might add a section just for BoAs or add it in to the gear section in some fashion.
A few things you want to note that I picked up just skimming this:

"- Moss Cinch & Girdle of the Blindwatcher, if you desire Int with some Stam"

Why dont you just get the +5 stam, +12 Int PvP Belt instead? Better stats all round.

"- Triprunner Dungarees"

A healthy alternative is Panther Hide Leggings which provide 11 stam 10 agi I believe. More survivability and a bit less AP / Crit.

"Ranged Weapons Alternatives"

There ARE no alternatives to the Master Hunter Rifle/Bow. The Master Hunter weps are so much more powerful than the closest competitors its hardly a competition. They are a MUST GET.


For Major, if youre Surv speced then obviously Glyph of Frost Trap is king, however if youre Marks, Glyph of Aimed Shot is king. 2 whole seconds off the Aimed CD is a massive DPS increase.

For Minor, I really dont think you could get anythiing other than Glyph of Scare Beast. 75% less knockback when trying to fear that druid / shaman EFC or just getting that piss annoying hunter's pet off of you is unbeatable. Pet happiness isnt really an issue.
Hi, great referendum you've put together. I took note of the head enchant seeming peculiar. Thanks for this deep level work!
Might want to add some of them BoA items that 29 hunters use into this guide.

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