29 EU_ 23th WSG goes again.


The Architect.
Since the success yesterday, we'll be trying again this evening. We'll be in queue from 19.00 server time. I hope the same amount of people will join us today as yesterday. Greetings.

You'll want to be there. Yesterday was spectacular.
So happy about this guys, just uber chuffed. I cannot believe all the work is eventually paying off, really good to see.

Games are so much fun, its just brilliant to be eventually be playing with other twinks, its a real challenge.

Horde at the moment seem to be missing a lot of melee dps. Ferals, Rogues and Warriors. If your thinking of joining us in the BG's and wondering what to roll, one of those 3 would be fantastic :)

Great job by all, /cheer at everyone!!

Back to prot now dude, just fancied a change tonight. It was funny because each time tonight we didnt have a FC. Mialo asked each time If I was prot and each time I was getting closer to org to respec. In the time it took me to get from the Hunter Camp in stv to the zep and then to org I had 3-4 BG's hence never actually got back to respec.

Even worse, i managed to bank my HS earlier while i was sorting bags so couldnt even do that. Super pro, lol.

Do you hit like a truck though. So much melee and so many rogues. Everywhere i went..sap and waylay butt raped. Did have a funny moment where a rogue came out of stealth and ambushed and i had 3 holy power. Bam, 1600 and a 600 or so white hit and he hit the floor like a lead balloon. Was very funny.

Was real fun playing with you guys tonight anyway, loved it.

Deesick said:
i managed to bank my HS earlier while i was sorting bags so couldnt even do that. Super pro, lol.

As far as i'm aware using the unstuck while HS is in bank and off CD you still end up at HS location (if it doesnt work anymore that's one dead Deesick, which is equally fun)

p.s Stauf stop landing Unstable Afflictions as I press dispel on your corrupts, it hurts.
Guys, quick question, im interested in trying this bracket, but how viable are mages, are there too many of them or anything? Does anyone happen to have a BiS list for one? : ) If not mage, what other (pref caster) class is fun, not too faceroll. Congratz on the pops! hope to see you in bg sometime.
Deesick said:
Back to prot now dude, just fancied a change tonight. It was funny because each time tonight we didnt have a FC. Mialo asked each time If I was prot and each time I was getting closer to org to respec. In the time it took me to get from the Hunter Camp in stv to the zep and then to org I had 3-4 BG's hence never actually got back to respec.

Haha, yes. We need you as an FC since we lack a decent one. Sorry, Fresku :p
Had fun in the last games that night :)

First one was rlly steamrolled by the horde priests, other games later that evening went in our favor.

Greetz Lepardius the druid =)
Its a good point, what did happen to Cronus? The guy was a brick. I saw him in the first game and then he vanished :(

Back into prot gear now :) Happy days.
Cronus/Hellester didn't get inside, but was queuing from time to time.

So you were that feral druid, aseelken! My mage didn't like you very much ... I don't think there is a single thing that I can do that you can't counter.

As far as mages go, well, they can deal some nasty damage if left alone, but my char i still too squishy. It's been like a year since we saw some 29 action last time, and I think most of us need some practice :)

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