[29] Ele Shaman or Balance Druid?

I'm getting bored and I have decided to make a new twink. I have narrowed my options down to these two, an Elemental Shaman (1h + shield), and a druid (staff or 1h, not sure). My basic question is which one is better. However, I realize how general this question is, so I have a few more specific questions to help better my results.

Which has better survivability (the use of heals included)?

Which has more damage potential?

Which is most common?

What is your overall opinion?

Feel free to answer one, all, or none if so be it. Thanks!
Elemental shamans vs balance druids

From what I can tell, the shamans that I have been playing against have superior survivability than the balance Druids: more damage, more healing, fewer deaths.

I'm pretty sure that enhancement has been the preferred spec because dual wield = 2 x spell power enchants.

Keep in mind that it may be difficult to gauge how significant the influence of grandfathered items will be on overall effectiveness. The shamans currently at the top of the bracket are decked out in items that are no longer available to new twinks.

After the patch, I respeced theforce as balance and I was seriously underwhelmed by my ability to deal damage. Admittedly, I may not have had time to adjust to having two instant-cast dots and and two long-cast damage spells on my action bar. I'm still expecting only one of each.

Personally, I decided to switch over to resto because it is a known quantity.

Perhaps someone with experience playing both classes under discussion can post a comment.

Best regards,

elem shaman - useless spec, worse talents ever. About what damage are you talking about ? Try to damage when rogue siting on you, its will be 1 flameshock dot lol. No more antipoison cure, no more stownclaw, no more instant wolf, no more kiting. Lol thunderstorm - just lol. Another words about fights VS rogues (most famous class on 29, sure ). Any spec of druid now is countering rogues, just cast ff and roots (with glyph) and say bye-bye. Balance druids have good talents (aspecialy 11 talent) and spells against all classes. Hots,dots, damage, control . Get herbalism to haste your long cast spells. /profit
Balance Druid vs Enhancement Shaman.

I agree that the elemental tree has little to offer at lvl 29, and correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think this is what you are really asking.

You want to roll a toon that will allow you to have competitively high ranged spell dps, survivability/healing and BG utility. And you are trying to decide if sman or Druid is the best way to go.

I understand that your first assumption would be to look at elemental as the shaman tree of choice given your intentions, but in the case of the shaman, enhancement is the better choice for both melée oriented and caster oriented play styles.

This is similarly the case currently with warriors because the prot spec offers warrior of all play styles the ability to use charge while in combat and from any stance.

I am partial to Druids and I think with some practice and fine tuning the balance Druid can be a great resource on the field. As the previous poster mentioned, glyph of roots is a must.

As far as talents go for balance, I have concluded that the AOE stun and knockback that are provided by typhoon are invaluable and make typhoon to correct lvl 29 talent choice over moonkin form.

Give it a try yourself, but I have found that because the moonkin form prevents self-healing, I was contantly having to drop in out very early on in a fight to refresh hots and cast a heal. Additionally, travel form is a valuable survivability asset that shouldn't be neglected. These move moonkin form below typhoon in terms of overall value.

Best regards,


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