
i'd post in your thread, but being forum banned and all.

anyway, i'll queue up for whichever side needs it.
29 vent appears to be down so hop on to the 39 version. Also, everyone get into pvplist damnit.
we came close last night before 49's started we were 6 short.
thanks for trying to get this bracket going again, i really did enjoy playing 29s. i hope we can muster enough people to get some games goin
It's just going to be difficult to get this going unless a lot of the people who were present during the last few months of activity, decide that having games is better than bitching about hunters (among other things). You can't have both, as we've seen. I'd be rooting for the bracket to get back together, but something tells me a lot of the folks that ruined it last time are going to be there this time.

I guess we'll just have to wait and see?
It's just going to be difficult to get this going unless a lot of the people who were present during the last few months of activity, decide that having games is better than bitching about hunters (among other things). You can't have both, as we've seen. I'd be rooting for the bracket to get back together, but something tells me a lot of the folks that ruined it last time are going to be there this time.

I guess we'll just have to wait and see?

Since it is easy to ignore people in game, it wasn't just the complaining. (Most of which was on the forums. Who cares about the forums?) What hurt the most was getting stomped every game night by a well organized guild. Although the tide was about to turn as teamwork greatly improved, the constant losing streak was too much for some. As for hunters, any way you spin it, they did not contribute to making more enjoyable games (especially the stubborn hunters who would destroy mid, make an impenetrable defense and queue every single game).

What made 29s an unattractive bracket was the lack of teamwork, one-sided battles, an unfriendly atmosphere, and discouragement towards new players (afk kicks, insults and use of grandfathered gear). We are going to try our best to make sure that NEVER happens again.
A 29 bracket infested with Hunters isn't worth playing.


I took a break and realized how little fun I was actually having when I played 29s for this last stretch. I wonder how many others came to the same conclusion.

Back to skyrim!

I took a break and realized how little fun I was actually having when I played 29s for this last stretch. I wonder how many others came to the same conclusion.

Back to skyrim!

Why is this game so POPULAR?

srsly its on every single facebook status
Has anyone considered that a LOT of people stopped playing because games stopped being fun?

Why is this game so POPULAR?

so fucking fun dude, its like what WoW would be like if it was singleplayer, or if it hadn't been reduced to a shit game
Has anyone considered that a LOT of people stopped playing because games stopped being fun?

so fucking fun dude, its like what WoW would be like if it was singleplayer, or if it hadn't been reduced to a shit game

You know what's great about single player games? THEY NEVER HAVE TO BE BALANCED!!!!

When you have class balance and multiplayer to worry about, you can't just make a game where the player dominates no matter how bad he is....

19s are so overrun by backpedaling hunters that him making one does not matter.

I wish for once people would just stop talking about hunters. I am sure being terrible players has everything to do with there being hunters on either team.

bracket won't revive until people can get over blaming hunters and group q'ing for every loss

Well said.
if you people dont think the overpopulation of active alliance hunters was a factor in the downfall of the bracket than you are truly beyond hope

horde players got sick of playing against 3-4 hunters per game, true story

on a side note, is it just me or does the new snow white movie actually look halfway decent, id watch it
if none of you can put up with eventually getting into a game with 3-4 hunters, then like i said, you won't ever revive this bracket. i've played games as the only hunter against 3-4 horde hunters and won painlessly. in fact, whenever PB q'd on some NS hunter in full gf'd gear, alliance vent always had a good laugh about how bad/ineffective he was.

i have tinks in every bracket except 10-14 and 20-24. hunters aren't nearly as far out of line in 29s as you people make them out to be. the brackets that are still "alive" (19s, 84s, 49s, 70s) all have classes that are much more out of line than hunters @ 29.

19s are so overrun by backpedaling hunters that him making one does not matter.

it's some coincidence that nasT plays a frost mage @ 70, a frost mage @ 83 and (wants to play) a hunter @ 19, huh

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