24 Slot Bags for Everyone?

On a more constructive note, is there any interest in forming a raid to escort caravans? The items can only be bought by alliance, and require a 90 to find easily. I don't have one myself, but I'm sure there must be interest on TI somewhere to make this happen. It's not just F2Ps, 19s, 1s and anyone interested in collecting things might be interested in these items. I'm going to assume not, but I'm putting it out there anyway.

Hi Aradiel, a bunch of us on Arie Peak alliance are very interested in doing this but no 90's as yet to help :( We were thinking tomorrow being Sunday would be a good time to put something like this together. If you want to set a time and place or whatever plz leave another response and I'll try to let everyone know what's going on. This would be awesome!
I'm a f2p so I don't have any high levels to do any of that but I just had a thought.. I remember someone mentioning as an idea somewhere in this thread that if you had several f2ps placed at strategic points they could function as lookouts to spot the caravan. I could even multibox up to 5 toons to do this if it would make a big difference. Also, I'll keep my eyes open for 90's in our f2ptwink chat that I can ask.
I'm pretty sure I can figure outa way around this phasing for horde. I get back toa comp in like 4 days.
They definitely spawn at set locations, so that would work. I don't know the exact locations, but Wowhead did show the general area they patrol.

So to coordinate a team effort of spotting the caravans, perhaps someone could edit the following image with numbers at the various strategic locations and then we just make sure there is someone assigned to each location watching.


The hard part might be in finding the level 90 help, but with as much interest in this as I think there will be I think we have a good shot.

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