200-300 is about average considering the drop rate. My free game time trick worked. I have three free days to farm this thing up myself. Interestingly though, I also have a ten day trial available, which was definitely not there yesterday, so for those of you with inactive accounts, it might be worth checking to see if you have another trial available too. This will be my third panda trial.
You log into Battle.net and check. https://us.battle.net/account/manag...tml?type=WOWX4&accountName=wow1&gameRegion=NA is the URL when it is active. Replace wow1 with your own account name.
farmed alot but only got 1. prolly killed 200-300 mobs maybe more
I'm wondering the same. I've been farming with my 90 hunter and got about 16 epics to drop but no bag yet. I would do the scenarios but my ilvl is too low ;(.I'm still wondering if doing the quest is required to get the bag to drop though. I've killed a lot of them on my 85 and not one epic. Several greens and random crap, but no epics. The same time spent farming on a 90, and I had multiple epics drop, and about the same number of greens. Also my 85 DK isn't that great at DPS, a lot of misses. Ideally, I'd be doing this in a group, mass pulls, lots of DPS.
There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of interest in this event for some reason.