24 list (US)

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Maybe if you read the introductory section, you would see i am a newcomer of the twinking world.

24 twinks aren't technically twinks.

Also get almost BIS. People who want to know what gear to get won't like seeing a crappy geared warrior.
Twinking is making a character have the best possible gear available hoping to find others in the same gear/skill. 24 twinks do not fit the second role.

do you have an actual source for that definition or are you making shit up?
Twink - WoWWiki - Your guide to the World of Warcraft

Twinks are below level cap player characters who have gained the best powerful gear for their level in every slot. These powerful items are loaded with the best possible enhancements such as expensive weapon enchants, leg patches and BoE/BoP greens, blues or epics. Within the twink community, this gear is called "best in slot" or BiS gear.
Twinking is making a character have the best possible gear available hoping to find others in the same gear/skill. 24 twinks do not fit the second role.

Lol the first twinks were doing the same thing 24s are doing now :)

But back on topic since this is a 24s list thread!
HoneyBadger boa chest is not bis anymore go update ur rogue /tickle
Thread hasn't been updated in almost three months, but if you guys keep on posting your armory links, I am sure it will magically happen one of these days.
24 twinks aren't technically twinks.

Also get almost BIS. People who want to know what gear to get won't like seeing a crappy geared warrior.

How have you not been banned from this site kid? By definition 24s are true twinks, 20s are not. 24s are true twinks because they have access to the best gear and enchants, 20s are halftwinks.
Simple thread.

24s are a growing population and May very well be the next bracket to play 2nd to 19s of course. So the purpose of this thread is to have a list of 24s. So guests and anonymous members and possible new 24 twinkers can see where every one is at. Also, if any guilds are active on that server. Eventually i will list all servers (maybe not) but all the servers with Active 24s will be listed.

So simply post name (armory link please!) server, Faction. Guild*


Louplune Alliance <Holy Alliance> Galakrond

Chodë Horde <Provocative> Spirestone

Trapizoid Alliance <Extended Trial>**GM Alexstrasza

Lustyleandra Alliance >Pursuit of Happiness> Anub'arak

Infaemous Alliance <Eternal Playground> Spirestone

Shiftnaintez Horde <The Divine Avengers> Aerie Peak

Genar Horde <Flawed> Tichondrius

Ironlâk Alliance <Twenty Four> Caelestrasz

Gåy Alliance <Controlled Chaos> Spirestone


Rõxxy Horde <Provocative> Spirestone

Undeadterror Horde <eThugs> Crushridge


Lastplace Alliance Khaz Modan

Axia Horde <Malice> Zul'jin

Yín Alliance <Öpìfex> Misha

Búbbleoseven Horde <Incompetent Bank> Dragonblight

Horde <Holy crit> Azuremyst

Graycyn Alliance <Relentless Insanity> Proudmoore

Apeck Alliance <Justforthetabard> Galakrond

Horde <Provocative> Spirestone

Sweetsydney Alliance <Paladin Trainer>> Aerie Peak

Chärisma Horde <Ascendency> Onxyia

Revølutiøn Horde <Ascendency> Onxyia

Swag Alliance <Controlled Chaos> Spirestone

Skuudoosh Alliance <Extended Trial> alexstrasza

Shirt Horde <Cherry Limeade> Stormrage

Ochi Alliance <Extended Trial>*Officer Alexstrasza


Cônfused Alliance <TWOcuteFOURyou> Muradin

Mandler Horde <Under Soil And Dirt> Spirestone

LifemodeAlliance <Halaani Champions> Agamaggan

ConundrûmAlliance <The Harlem Conundrum> Uldum

PhinsAlliance <Controlled Chaos> Spirestone

Shuix Alliance <Sançtuary>Alexstrasza

Thepriesto Horde <DyNASTY> Shu'halo


Alliance <Controlled Chaos> Spirestone (beware a lot of sexiness)

Micheletto Alliance Spirestone

Nínja Alliance <Nínja The Hallowed> Spirestone

Yìng Alliance <Öpìfex> Misha

Yáng Alliance <Öpìfex> Misha

Honeybådger Horde <Sãnctuary>** GM Alexstrasz

Høneybadger Alliance <Sançtuary>** GM Alexstrasza

Stikya Alliance <Pvp is for me> Windrunner

Killsumbud Alliance <Elite Five> Darkspear

Horde <Controlled Chaos> Spirestone

Chhong Horde <DoomHammer Guard> Hellscream


Bunesa Horde <Provocative> Spirestone

Darkshock Horde <Vile Blade> Hyjal

Emø Alliance <Controlled Chaos> Spirestone

Smãckzïlla Alliance <Extended Trial> Alexstrasza


Bß Alliance <Controlled Chaos> **GM Spirestone

MegumÃ* Horde < I PAY YOU DIE> Dragonmaw

Sofabed Alliance <Inglorious Allies> Cenarius


Schwinke Alliance <Emerald Guardians> Muradin

Critcrity Horde <Algorithm of PvP> Cairne

Laxio Horde <Sãnctuary> Alexstrasz

Bovineterror Horde <eThugs> Crushridge

Tankd Alliance <Halaani Champions> Agamaggan

Freeswifty Alliance <Extended Trial> Alexstrasza

Spewfeel Horde <Sãnctuary> Alexstrasza


ßöä Horde <Provocative> Spirestone

Infæmous Alliance <Is Infæmous> Spirestone

Samanthacolt Horde <Parishitlon BoomBoomPvP> Malfurion

Feletia Alliance <IDGAC> Echo Isles

Fishin Alliance <Extended Trial> Alexstrasza

Ceskà Horde < I PAY YOU DIE> Dragonmaw

Kolgrum Alliance <The Harlem Conundrum> Uldum

Valkafär Alliance <Winterfell> Draenor

Avinadied Horde <eThugs> Crushridge

Mechi Alliance <Bravo Company> Darkspear

Wenoye Alliance <Stygian fete> Dentarg

Forgiving Alliance <TWOcuteFOURyou> Muradin

Guild* If you have many members in a guild please post link to Guild site or recruitment thread also to the GM or officers to Easily direct new comers to the right people for recruitment.

** Recruiting Guild have " ** "

Note: I will remove your name if your character has been inactive for more than 1 month (see last updated on Armory).

Ironlak @ Alexstrasza - Community - World of Warcraft

Different Name, Guild and Server ;)
You should have boots with 8 crit my boy and gloves 5 stamp 5 intellect. The dungeon random waist has better stats. You want crit as a fire mage.
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Torchic set is fine, it match her game play she going with max int. with +1 int on gloves fire enchant, boots with more int. % 3 more int on belt.

/Wave @ Brit <Wink>
ahh finally supporting other twinks awesome. Good for you.I should have said same thing for priest but max intell would be eng goggles no? and the 5 stam 5 int ring with the 6 stam 5 int ring.
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