[24] <Horde Invasion>


More or less. They've been around for a bit.

HC Is Holy Crit and unrelated to either SS, HI or me (Crit). Sua Sponte is made up of almost all Horde Invasion players. SS (Alliance) and HI (Horde) are now both on Lightbringer and are essentially the same guild with identical guild ranks, bank tabs and leadership. This is just now happening so not all our members are aware.
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One of those great rare guilds, one I really wouldn't change much about if I could.
Can't say that about any other guild.

I'm not talking about the length they've been here.. and I didn't even know HI turned into SS until I read the OP but I'm talking about the quality of players or the niceness of players and to me atleast HI is up there.

Thanks Phrontistery and Lil for the kind words. Many of us have played for years and that perspective aids in the way we treat the game and it's players. While we may take issue with some of the more negative aspects of the game like "honor farming" and using exploits we try not to ostracize those players choosing instead to try to encourage them to try another way. It can take some time but over time most players come around.

Not everyone is at the same stage of the game or life. If you are at a higher level you have a choice. Do you insult or do you encourage? It takes more effort up front to encourage but in the long run is well worth it. Do you treat others the way you would want to be treated or are you working your issues out at the expense of those around you? Some get a little nervous when I link bigger issues to game issues but they are relevant. I am not perfect and don't expect anyone else to be either. On occasion I need forgiveness so giving it to others seems to be the best way.

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