24 FC

are you saying health is more important than hit capping?


I dont understand why people dont hit cap. If there was ever a time not to be hit capped it would be in a pug(but you still should be hit capped there), not a premade where a single spell could be crucial to winning the game

hit cap isnt needed when your kiting lululul
I would say its needed 100% of the time. Period.

depends if you have a dps on defense or not. If your good at kiting the opposite team should never even be near you unless you mess up in which you have a dps on defense with you to wipe them and peel then you LOS and keep kiting. Fcs shouldnt stop and fight unless they are 100% positive they are able to take down the guys that are attacking them
IMO a skilled 24 druid > all as long as you dont go over 4 stacks . as soon as you hit 4 stacks of debuff i would say warrior / pala is better.

my druid (lolyareally)
ermmm no, even under 4 stacks a warriors mitigation exceeds mobility that can be countered easily by CC

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