225 engineering on 19 possible now?

Keep in mind that the only reason it's on the frontpage is to make Blizzard aware of it so they can fix this issue. There won't be a how-to and anyone posting it will get their post removed. Ever since the leg enchant debacle we're taking a different approach on exploits. We report them, let everyone - and Blizzard - know of their existence, but you won't find a guide here. I hope everyone will respect our stand on this.
Ishh said:
Keep in mind that the only reason it's on the frontpage is to make Blizzard aware of it so they can fix this issue. There won't be a how-to and anyone posting it will get their post removed. Ever since the leg enchant debacle we're taking a different approach on exploits. We report them, let everyone - and Blizzard - know of their existence, but you won't find a guide here. I hope everyone will respect our stand on this.

this may only be my point to it, but whats the problem with releasing the info?

i thought about this issue for a while now and you only do one thing for certain,

add a unfair advantage and unalance the 19's bracket on purpose.

As i havnt yet figured out how to do it, i cannot judge weather this is a real exploit

or just creative use of ingame mecanics. But to my point of view, but if its some

sort of macro that helps in casting the spell to learn it or something like this

it falls under catigory one, if i can be trained at a trainer its nice too.

If you have to lie to a gm about it its definatly a exploit if you have to level to 20

and then get set back.

However as one of the guys that never would want to use it, as i have gathering skills on 450 and dont plan on removing them as the titansteel cd earns me 50g

per day on my realm and is quite useful. Plus i have the fishing hat so i dont care

about ingi stuff at any point.

However, i am a curious mind and demand that this will be published, as i dont

think blizz reads this website anyways. They have proven to not care about twinks.

The only reason the enchants where nerved was not that they wanted to re-balance. They just redesigned the enchanting system to speed up leveling

and in that process this happened on the side. (Otherwise they would have

removed spellower enchants from bc content or 15 agi enchants to the hands

or swords and so on.

Now this may sound like i am accusing anyone of cheating, but keeping it private

(as in only posted at the staff forum etc) will only lead to two really interesting


a) People read and smile about it

b) insiders do it on twinks they dont showcase here and actually gain a unfair

advantage over others (same thing happend with zg and naxx enchants

before the word about it was widespread)

This only leads to a big mis balance in the 19's field. I am totally not a intending

to rename twinkinfo to twinkexploit. Even if posting this could get me perma banned here,

i will still say this now.


Yes i call you cheaters as i am shure a couple of people will read this in staffs,

get it for their alternate twinks that arnt known around here and then abuse it

to death, whilst everybody will be stuck with 150.

Howver, if you are correct and blizz employees read this site frequently,

publishing full info on it will have a interesting side effekt. They will not only

fix the glitch that allows you to obtain 225, but also add a few level requirements

to certain crafted items. So its quite a cool thing.

If you however descide to not publish any info at all, wich i see as really sad.

But of corse you have the right to. Please check if it works for other profs aswell.

Because i can immagine a 19 with the crafted items from 225 inscription

(nice caster offhands for example) and post if the glitch applies to this aswell.

Also: did you try to get any further (like 450 on your 19th) or does the issue

only apply to 150 to 225?

Would be really cool to get some feedback/comments/answers.

If anybody knows more and doesnt/cant post here i would also be happy about

some info via private message or mail.

Like i said, i have no evil intentions, i am just curious



EDIT: the reason why i am a bit pissed of is that the current solution is crap, eather let everybody

or nobody know about it. - This is not a QQ post!
Rip said:
Auctionbid told me how he did it, and as of right now we're discussing whether or not we should post it or not on the Staff Forums. So just stop pestering him about it and you'll see it up on the Front Page soon (or not at all).

Stop pestering? you went through the trouble of PMing him, then posting on his thread to check his PMs. If that's not pestering then I dunno what is. Yea, I know how to get a 225 profession at 19.

Since your post was pretty poorly written I only understood about a third of it. But from what I can tell you want us to post how to do it, not so you will use it, but just so you "know" how.

We've discussed this issue thoroughly on the Staff Forums and have concluded that since so far 225 Engineering seems to be an isolated event (and I'm pretty sure that even the Author doesn't plan on using it) there's no reason to post it, like what we did with 3.0 Exploits to even the playing field.

Therefore, since TI doesn't support exploiting, the best course of action is to raise attention of the exploit with any method short of actually telling people how to do it.

So if that's the kind of site you're looking for, you should go check out mmowned.com

you got me about 1/3rd right. Yes i would like to know how it was done, but if that

can't be posted (which i respect). I only wanted to point out that some guys are able

to get it now, not everybody. And that of corse is unfair.

However the main thing i wanted to know about this issue is if it is avible to get to

up to 450 the same way or if the glitch that allows to level past 150 will also

get one to 450 or 300 or....

hope you can understand my post now ;)

Drazen said:
Stop pestering? you went through the trouble of PMing him, then posting on his thread to check his PMs. If that's not pestering then I dunno what is. Yea, I know how to get a 225 profession at 19.


–verb (used with object)

1. to bother persistently with petty annoyances; trouble: Don't pester me with your trivial problems.

Clearly you're new, so I'll explain things. When someone makes a thread that is then posted on the Front Page by a Blogger, he will usually get a PM. Auctionbid said himself that it was his first day on TwinkInfo.com, so there's a chance he doesn't know how to check if he has new PMs.

Also by pestering I was referring to the previous posters who replied with things like "PLEASE TELL ME" after he said he was planning to keep it to himself, in addition to me assuming that he was getting tons of PMs with the same thing.

Also if you know how to do it keep it to yourself. If you make a thread about it, it will be deleted.
caice said:

you got me about 1/3rd right. Yes i would like to know how it was done, but if that

can't be posted (which i respect). I only wanted to point out that some guys are able

to get it now, not everybody. And that of corse is unfair.

However the main thing i wanted to know about this issue is if it is avible to get to

up to 450 the same way or if the glitch that allows to level past 150 will also

get one to 450 or 300 or....

hope you can understand my post now ;)


You're right, anyone that has been trusted and handpicked by Drayner to be a Blogger/Mod now knows how to do it.

So that's not fair, tough luck.

And theoretically yes, you can level any non gathering profession up to 450.

I'll save you the trouble of reading through my previous posts about finding hints about how to do it by posting them here.

-It requires a GM's Assistance (usually more than 1)

-It works with any Non-Gathering Profession all the way up to 450.

But we're not planning on releasing any game breaking information any time soon.

Edit: Giving the whole Twinking Community access to x2 Gnomish Lightning Generators, Hand Mounted Pyro Rocket Gloves Enchant, Engineering Goggles and god knows what else is soo gamebreakingly wrong I'm disgusted that you'd even want that.

thanks for clearing up my worries ;)

so its not mass exploitable, as it requires gm help.

i think i can go and sleep now safely ;)

yeah this can be a major set back again to 19 twinking especially and other brackets too. just 225 will reel in:

-craftsman monocle +15int

-gnomish goggles +8 stam +11 spell power

-spellpower extreme goggles +21 spell power

-miners helmet +15 stam 190 armor

-catseye goggles stealth detection (killer in 29+ brackets)

-rocket boots (BC ench)

-parachute cloak (BC ench)

-trinkets for netting, invisibility, shrinking/attack power

plus if you consider the gnome eng-racial bonus the stuff they can use. Blizz needs to address this fast. what's next 29's with 300 eng?
iaccidentallytwink said:
GM's can't delevel you.

yes correct, but it has been posted on how to get around this when players pop 20 by accident, the GY random res pop, etc. they immediately delete the player,

delete their WTF, cache files, etc. do a up[ GM ticket for a character restore. if this is done fast enough and the server has updated your player as the next level, you get your twink back.

but if one leveled and learned engineering, i would think the eng training is also rolled back on the restore......maybe not?
Auctionbid said:
Something like that, but I never had 450 profession as I made this twink few days ago (after 3.1).

But you're close on that one, it required GM assistance :)

actually you may have leveled this player to 19 after 3.1, but your player AUCTIONBID was once a level-10 twink dodge rogue
For all the people messaging me: I will not tell how I got it to anyone anymore.

As it was said already on this forum, it would be major game breaking.

I will drop my engineering too, to avoid Blizz employees sitting on my back and take mining, I just did this because I was bored, because I wanted to prove it's possible, and because I wanted to do something new.

For the comment above, I used to be 10 dodge twink, way back when 100% dodge was possible. Before and after that it was just used as a bank character until last week, and I never had a profession higher than 150 until now.

Have fun everybody. Do you really think I'd report myself via ticket, or go public with this if I wanted to keep it? :)
Fearitself said:
blizzard will nerf this.
There's no patch to human stupidity.
Noo said:
Ofc they can patch this. Level req's on the items, and level req's. on the use: bombs etc.

And kill twinks in the higher brackets.


well, putting a level req. of 20 on all the items would fix it, and not screw anyone up in the higher brackets, unless you are talking like 225-300-375-450, then yes i sappose? but if its only 225 in the 19 bracket, slap a level req of 20 on it all, and 19 twinks can't use it, while 29 twinks can
Spooksters said:
well, putting a level req. of 20 on all the items would fix it, and not screw anyone up in the higher brackets, unless you are talking like 225-300-375-450, then yes i sappose? but if its only 225 in the 19 bracket, slap a level req of 20 on it all, and 19 twinks can't use it, while 29 twinks can

That would make Blizzard look stupid to the people who don't know about this, as it requires 20 to get anyway. 25 would make more sense. But the bombs, and everything else? That's really nonsensical and they'd probably need to give a reason for it.

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