20's to 24?


Wizard of the ramp
With the new change, f2p 20's scale to 24. You guys can finally stop crying about 24s now.

Players in low level battlegrounds will have their effective level raised to the maximum level allowed in that battleground bracket. Players' base stats and spells are scaled accordingly and are treated as the same level when determining hits, misses, and critical effect chance.
Same. Personally I think it should apply to brackets above 24. If you're free to play, you shouldn't get any bonuses.

People leave WoW all the time because pvp is imbalanced and broken. NEW f2p layers, not necessarily the f2p twinks you see on these forums, discover very early on just how imbalanced Bliz is willing to be, and often just go to another game.

The starter edition was implemented to get more subs. Blizzard's research showed players were leaving the game well before lvl 20. Starter editions were implemented, and players got to playing at 20, played longer, got more of the carrot on a stick, but pvp was still an awful experience for many. & there's no promise that pvp would get any better, knowing in leveling brackets it'd be the same, and seeing countless scrub 85s and now 90s play for months without making any gear progress or turning completely to pve content. With this change, giving more balance to pvp leveling brackets and demonstrating that to f2p accounts as well, and additionally offering Conquest points rewarded for losing but putting up a good fight making gearing a little easier and seeing more 90s with gear progression, makes the carrot on a stick more a more obtainable carrot,
Same. Personally I think it should apply to brackets above 24. If you're free to play, you shouldn't get any bonuses.

Well. Like it was somewhat talked about above. This is a way to get money for Blizz. Having a fresh f2p player wanting to try the game walk into a shitfest unbalanced and p2p rolling bracket this is, that isnt going to help them make money. Now that it will be more balanced, people will maybe enjoy the game more and decide to pay money for end game content. I mean, I like challenge, I like to use skill to win. Others, not so much.
Well they will ride the enchants thing into the ground

na I'm cool without uber chants. the hit was the main thing that bothered me. although I wouldn't mind the neat glows you get from weapon chants.... which reminds me, why don't any of you 24s use lifestealing or unholy weapon chants :( used to use them way back
You guys can finally stop crying about 24s now.

Plz go.

Enchants and abilities have always been the primary reasons why 24's have a slanted advantage over F2Ps - not so much 4 effective levels.

Being able to land abilities (Purge, for example) will be an enormous help.
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na I'm cool without uber chants. the hit was the main thing that bothered me. although I wouldn't mind the neat glows you get from weapon chants.... which reminds me, why don't any of you 24s use lifestealing or unholy weapon chants :( used to use them way back

Patches and updates have changed how enchants are beneficial etc. So what was once good has been replaced with a more beneficial boost and is used now.
Don't pretend like f2p will get p2p enchants they will still be restricted. They will be scaled "in" battlegrounds . Soooo just in bgs will u look like a 24.
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If your guild is having trouble now with 5 shadow priests and Op toons on your team against 3 -24's & 12,13 f2ps. what will you do when patch hits .

No excuse should have been 5 caps, 13 and 22 mins to get job done lol


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I do not see why everyone is making such a big fuss about this, i did not roll into this bracket because i wanted to be op. I just chose the option that seemed logical to me, if i have these enchants and levels available to me i might as well take them, if its not a bracket based on rating.
Im all for the change it will higher some of the F2P players motivation in battlegrounds when they get scaled up since the main thing i am seeing currently is "oh im a 20 spriest and he is 24 we lose"
Overall a good change and i hope to see others feel the same way i do about it!
Only in bgs ! silly f2p enchants are for real 24s... well now u will be able to hit us but you still won't hit as hard! hahahaha just more honor to farm!!!
You know we just manipulated able so we could farm right?! I don't think I was in that bg sorry to disappoint. Try again next time! oh wow surprise surprise you lose!! in those bgs
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The argument is that the poor f2p's feel bad, because they have a bad PvP experience and that they feel this bad experience won't get better? But, it will get better..., if they pay.

I pay. I've paid for a long time. Me and my paying brethren grind levels, professions, rep, honor and valor. It's very nice to invest the money and effort into a bracket where it's rewarded. A lot of us gave up the endless end-game Skinner maze to play this bracket. We enjoy helping Blizz encourage f2p's to switch to paying customers. The question will soon be, is the incentive to pay or to stop paying? If the bakery gives away free bread, why pay for the same bread?

F2p's aren't stupid; they see the incentive to pay. Are they uncomfortable, because they are underpowered? You bet. Should they be uncomfortable? If they aren't uncomfortable, why would they change and pay-up? Under these proposed new rules, the incentive will be to stop paying. And people will stop paying. I'll stop paying.

Keep in mind stats scale better at lower levels. F2p's already benefit from this scaling, although many don't realize it. If Blizz artificially raises f2p stats to 24 levels, their improved scaling will make them OP. This occurred at level 10 last year. There were level 10's that could take down end-game bosses, because their stats scaled so well. A level 20 with boosted stats and the level-20 improved scaling could be much stronger than a 24. This sort of scaling is yet another incentive to stop paying.

I guess I just talked myself into supporting this proposed change, because I could use the extra money in real-life. Go ahead and give 20's stats they didn't earn. It's only fair. Paying level 24's have been beating up on freeloading level 20's for more than a year now. It's time to reverse it for a while to make up for past inequities. Let the freeloader's dominate for a year or two? At least make them equal, so I can play for free too?

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If wow is just a low lv bracket for then yes stop paying and start freeloading.if you don't partake on endgame.

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