20 vs 29 Power difference


New Member
Just picked F2P up again.

I noticed that queues were popping in about 10m in the NA servers. Is 20 vs 29 playable at all with full warforged gear? 29 will have additional talents, how big is the item difference? Will there be upwards of 30-50% more power in fully geared 29?
Just picked F2P up again.

I noticed that queues were popping in about 10m in the NA servers. Is 20 vs 29 playable at all with full warforged gear? 29 will have additional talents, how big is the item difference? Will there be upwards of 30-50% more power in fully geared 29?
We're doing it on EU, and have done for a while! no problem :PeepoGlad: Though there are 20WGs on the weekends, wich gives ppl a break from queueing vs 29s. It's also made ppl make 20s more aswell!

It'd be nice to see the NA community in a positive place again, since I used to have alts there :PepeComfy:
I always thought NA was better at keeping a tight community in the past.

Please post updates if you figure things out! :PeepoGlad:
I assume 29 can have higher ilvl gear? Is the only normalization that your character gets scaled from 20 to 29?
Im going to try to be as factual without it sounding like a complaint

29s are far superior to 20s in every way, and the power gap will be extremely noticiable to the point where even 1-2 29s will make that BG unplayable for everyone else who qued on 20s

29s have access to higher ilvl level gear, more gearing and quest options, more chances to obtain the OP shadowlands gems for HP regency and speed, and more talents unlocking some powerful abilities not in reach of 20s

Additionally 29s have the added benefit of not undergoing negative scaling affects when they enter a BG, whereas 20s actively lose important secondary and tertiary stats (versatility, mastery, speed, etc) because they are being graded as a 29 as opposed to being a 20. Any primary stats granted is typically not worth the loss in secondaries

Objective facts over

Subjective opinions:

If you consider the Shadowlands level squish, a level 20 character is effectively level 36-37 based on old world numbers

By contrast a 29 would be a level 77-79 character in pre SL times

Would you want to fight an opponent double your level?
I have both 29 & 20 hunters. Aimed Shot at 20 is 1.4k, 29 is 4k. How do you think?
Played 29 for a few days after geared up but soon lost interest, due to the absurd long queue and OOP no fun.
Wish we had that here on NA servers :( makes me want to make a f2p over on Eu servers.
Having alts on different continents don't hurt! If gearing wasn't the hassle that it is, and I was sure to have BG queues during EU-downtime, I'd regear my NA alts for sure :KKomrade:
How are queues at the moment? During peak hours ofc
Additionally 29s have the added benefit of not undergoing negative scaling affects when they enter a BG, whereas 20s actively lose important secondary and tertiary stats (versatility, mastery, speed, etc) because they are being graded as a 29 as opposed to being a 20. Any primary stats granted is typically not worth the loss in secondaries

Subjective opinions:

If you consider the Shadowlands level squish, a level 20 character is effectively level 36-37 based on old world numbers

By contrast a 29 would be a level 77-79 character in pre SL times

I hate so much, how I have no choice but to say that this part of what you said is true PressF

However, I've found a good way to counter, is to put alot more emphasis on mainstat! This doesn't work with all classes of course. But mainstat doesnt suffer the same as offstats do, inside BGs, in terms of scaling.

For example, With my current boomkin build, I've got 284-orsomething spell power, 30-35% vers. Whatever I can get out of mast at that point is just a plus !
Mastery is no longer a necessary stat to stack high, since they nerfed boomkin mastery input. The reason it is a plus, is because they buffed our mastery output.
So at 30%+ vers, mastery is worth more per point, in comparison to vers. Though in most cases, main stat still reign supreme.

This only matters if you're idea is to have shortterm output. It won't put you on top overall dmg of course.
This is why I think that in theory, for one-shot burst classes, putting your stats into direct output is a good counter towards a 29 meta.

Naturally, at equal skill-level, 29s will still be better. Wich makes winning as a 20 even more rewarding :PepeComfy:

Individual player mentality aside!
If the community is able to give a good insentive to play 20s, people will create 20s.

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