20 twink.


I just made a free to play account and I want to make a 20 twink. Which server would be recommended? I'm looking for a high population of 20's pretty much.
I would say..aeria peak US alliance side.
Yea it blows, when blizzard made the level 20 cap they also removed a lot of key things that make people want to play wow. i think they should add, ah,trade chat,trade items, raise gold cap etc...so players can get a good feeling of the game.
Ronjenkees said:
I just made a free to play account and I want to make a 20 twink. Which server would be recommended? I'm looking for a high population of 20's pretty much.

Robertx jenkins said:
I would say..aeria peak US alliance side.

You 2 have strikingly similar names.

BTW, Im a fan of Ron Jenkees is hes a dude that makes music
Blizz will never add tradeing or access to public channels because it would make gold selling and advertising easier, but they should at least let trials be able to chat in private channels like f2ptwink. That is a simple solution and would make a great difference. Also dont see a point in limiting to where you cant group invite, maybe they should make it where you can only invite people who have you on thier friends list like how whisering goes.
Robertx jenkins said:
Yea it blows, when blizzard made the level 20 cap they also removed a lot of key things that make people want to play wow. i think they should add, ah,trade chat,trade items, raise gold cap etc...so players can get a good feeling of the game.

They have all that... when you pay.

Lots of complaints from people playing a free game.
Make that a horde.. Why nurture an already overpopulated with 20 twinks faction instead of balancing it? Ap is the server to go tho..
killthrill said:
Make that a horde.. Why nurture an already overpopulated with 20 twinks faction instead of balancing it? Ap is the server to go tho..

Imo horde is more powerful than alliance now. Try a battleground today and you will understand.

You guys need to remember that the faction balance in a small bracket can change in a week.
Med'an said:
BTW, Im a fan of Ron Jenkees is hes a dude that makes music

Yeah, he's the one who makes music. I've been listening to him for years. Even bought both his CD's and got them signed haha.

Also, I am rolling Alliance. I'm not trying to unbalance the bracket or anything, I just normally play Alliance. All though I'll probably end up making Horde after my first is completed.

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