20 - 29's Best of


I find this hilarious right now, guess people actually want to feel accomplished in this bracket for some reason? F2Peasantry's never been understood by me.

Anyway's I'll bite. Here's some people that have stood out for me in the 20 - 29 bracket lately

Warrior: Dre
Warlock: Swallower
Priest: No raspect
Shaman: Still waiting to see someone play ele well
Rogue: Kicking on ambush isn't "skill". Some guy named freckles is top returns for 500+ played though...
Hunter: Knewbie
Monk: Probably someone from EU
Druid: is straight FotM
Mage: some okay mage's out there but none are really 100% on point with CC
Paladin: Pug Lord

The people I listed here have been somewhat frequent players lately and consistently played well and some classes at this level just aren't deserving of mention in my opinion.

Yeah yeah there's like 10 other threads about this right now, since no one wants to stick to one I'll just make my own. Yes this includes both 20 / 29's

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