20-29 Elite Twink Rankings

Understandably everyone has different expectations for any given situation, myself included, but Nocontest was the only one to step up and actually put in work with what he was given so I thank him and tip my metaphorical hat. I appreciate his work on this list and would like to ask anyone to withhold their criticism's before acknowledging they likely had little to no influence on this list when they easily could have, so thanks Noco for doing this.

Go check out the original discussion thread "Top Twink List" or whatever it's called if you're interested in seeing some of the thought process behind this, and possibly get some idea's yourself for a new ranking list.
Understandably everyone has different expectations for any given situation, myself included, but Nocontest was the only one to step up and actually put in work with what he was given so I thank him and tip my metaphorical hat. I appreciate his work on this list and would like to ask anyone to withhold their criticism's before acknowledging they likely had little to no influence on this list when they easily could have, so thanks Noco for doing this.

Go check out the original discussion thread "Top Twink List" or whatever it's called if you're interested in seeing some of the thought process behind this, and possibly get some idea's yourself for a new ranking list.

That pretty much sums it up, thanks Trial. The list I made was intended for fun, to see where players ranked among others in their class. But at the same time give a honorable mention to players for their achievements and their dedication to the bracket.
Honestly, the list is kind of silly. Haven't played Vahavta in almost two years.
doesn't matter what anyone else in the bracket has for a win loss ratio, no one can compare to me and my 80 muthafuckin battle standards, SON!

GG WP you nerds go home and vaseline your anuses, pug lord for life peasants for wife.

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