2 AGMs > Insignia +AGM?


It's getting more and more common that I see people with 2 agms. With the bracket as bursty as it is.. doesn't surprise me that stam is more important than ever.. Would it be wise as a non human race to do this?
I'll be getting two as a non human, but only to swap it in. Depends if you're premading or not > Generally running 2 AGM in a PUG group works fine, I find that when up against premades the Insignia really does help.
Why would players stop wearing their insignia now that Dispel has been removed? Anyone that uses AGMx2 full time, that is not Human, is doing something wrong. Switching them in and out is fine, but full time, no.
Pizza said:
Why would players stop wearing their insignia now that Dispel has been removed? Anyone that uses AGMx2 full time, that is not Human, is doing something wrong. Switching them in and out is fine, but full time, no.

Thank you. with Non-human, the other racial ability used in conjunction with insignia are game changing. I would also say that burst has nothing to do with the amount of stam someone should wear. If anything you need to be wearing +armor or +magic resist shit.
i usually use agmx2 in pugs i find it more and more common that an extra 120hp is just hands down more useful than insignia with tht horrible 5min cd, this could also be because i usually have a healer with me at all times
Any non-human rogue(or any other non-fc class) who doesn't use a trinket deserves to have leeches sucking on their ballsack. I can recall of several games that were won because of a clutch trinket-kick/gouge.
19 warrior adeus said:
i usually use agmx2 in pugs i find it more and more common that an extra 120hp is just hands down more useful than insignia with tht horrible 5min cd, this could also be because i usually have a healer with me at all times

120 hp wont keep u alive against a paladins long ass stun :) that handy dandy 5min cd will
on my priest i keep boa insignia on at all times i prefer the resiliance seeing as i have over 1800hp with rum and fort which i always have and I'm going to be healing myself so i think the resil outways the stam but i doubt anyone is going to agree with me on this. note i also use staff of jordan and the resil shoulders in pugs.
Yeah the paladin stun is a little bit OP, unless you're in a critical situation i would save the trinket for Pally stuns. Swapping out while Trink is on CD is obviously the best idea. Of course people forget that sometimes its better to have the BOA dps trinkets for example when you're bursting an efc down.
Depends on what position you are playing, swaping is fine but not having a trinket is plain coo-coo.
I was in a wsg the other day, score was 2 to 1 and each team had their FC on the roof. We dropped the EFC just in time for our FC to get Sapped. herp derp no trinket lol, rogue ran off with the flag and I got stuck in a mediocre WSG for another 10 minutes

Use a damn insignia :<
Pizza said:
Why would players stop wearing their insignia now that Dispel has been removed? Anyone that uses AGMx2 full time, that is not Human, is doing something wrong. Switching them in and out is fine, but full time, no.

Exactly. The ability to keep moving is much better than 120hp 99.99% of the time.
Simply swap. I can't beleve you don't want an insignia and would take 120 hp over it. Just swap it since CD Insignia is litterally useless but once CD about to be off swap and you're in business.
I think there is a macro that swap it for you. Just when you get to 30 sec CD you press the macro or something like that and bam working.
In my opinion if you have the patience and help to get two without pulling all of your hair out it's nice to have two of them no matter race/class. You can always swap them in and out depending on your Insignia cool down. If you have used your Insignia recently and it is now on CD and you can drop out of combat it is much more beneficial to you to equip the second AGM until your Insignia CD is up. Personally I don't care enough to get even one as I don't run premades regularly and am rarely in a situation where one would either make or break my personal play style, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.

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