2.4.3 19 druid FC twink help



I am looking for some help in regards to a BiS item list for a 19 Druid FC twink. Possibly a quick spec as well and enchants?

I've looked over the forums and on google for about an hour now, and can't find anything worth mentioning. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I play on a 2.4.3 TBC server, so it must be for that patch! Thank you!
scouts medallion
battle healers
tree bark jack or defias
wranglers wrists of the eagle
blessed seer
scouting gloves of the eagle
kellers girdle
scouting pants of the eagle
grizzled boots

prolly not all bis, just an idea.

+100 hp libram
+100 hp
9 stam
15 agi?
leg armour or +100 hp
7 stam

dawnblade and furby pouch?
My take from info i've gathered.

Head -Lucky fishing hat (+100hp)
Neck -Thick bronze necklace
Shoulder -Talbar mantle/ Fortitude of the Scourge
Back - Tranquillan Champions cloak (+70armor)
bracers - Wranglers wristbands of stamina (+9stam)
Hands - Wrangers gloves of the eagle(+30healing)
Belt -Girdle of the blindwatcher
Legs -Scouting trousers of the eagle (nethercleft)
Feet -Fishing boots (Boars speed)
Ring1 -Seal of sylvannis
Ring2 -Blood band
Trinket1 -Insignia
Trinket2 -Arena Grand master

Weapon- Dawnblade (+22 int)
Offhand- Furbolg medicine pouch

Why not get +55healing instead of int?

possibly subsitute for more healing, by sacrificing health? let me know your guy's opinion.
My take from info i've gathered.

Head -Lucky fishing hat (+100hp)
Neck -Thick bronze necklace
Shoulder -Talbar mantle/ Fortitude of the Scourge
Back - Tranquillan Champions cloak (+70armor)
bracers - Wranglers wristbands of stamina (+9stam)
Hands - Wrangers gloves of the eagle(+30healing)
Belt -Girdle of the blindwatcher
Legs -Scouting trousers of the eagle (nethercleft)
Feet -Fishing boots (Boars speed)
Ring1 -Seal of sylvannis
Ring2 -Blood band
Trinket1 -Insignia
Trinket2 -Arena Grand master

Weapon- Dawnblade (+22 int)
Offhand- Furbolg medicine pouch
looks good
Mods? this is 15-19 Twink Forum, not 10-19 , please what is the point of having a private server section if its not being used, remove all this posts that has anything with private servers to do or start moving them

You keep removing useful posts that actually do have with 15-19 Twinking to do, but you keep this private server posts that dosnt even belong here.

You might need a white shoulder pad for naxx/zg shoulder enchantments but other than that it looks good. And [MENTION=21371]Getstomped[/MENTION] quit nit picking, you have a report a post function for a reason. They (mods) cannot simply view every thread and scavenge or look for a request or petition. It takes to much time.
Mods? this is 15-19 Twink Forum, not 10-19 , please what is the point of having a private server section if its not being used, remove all this posts that has anything with private servers to do or start moving them

You keep removing useful posts that actually do have with 15-19 Twinking to do, but you keep this private server posts that dosnt even belong here.

this is still talking about 19 twinks so please quit your bitching.
On an on topic note; since the fishing contest is in game, wouldn't the fishing boots with boar's speed be bis?
Server name?
Feenix 2.4.3 doesn't have any twinks really, I played there for a while and check every so often. They used to have 39's, but that's it
yea i think thats cause they have accelerated exp on the BC feenix serv making it hard to not level ur 19
yea i think thats cause they have accelerated exp on the BC feenix serv making it hard to not level ur 19

You can still stop your exp at 19, it is possible to twink there, just not well because many of the enchants needed that drop in Vanilla zones etc, no one gets because it's a 2.4.3 server. You coooouuuld twink if you wanted to I guess, it'd just be shitty

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