twinks who got that sword, got them in BC on the patch that started the process to unlock the island, attune etc. mobs and bosses in open areas gave rep. warlocks summoned players there. in the old twinkinfo or the other site there was a 19 twink who had two off them with mongoose. had SS to of him in SW with them. got reported, blizz removed them but did not banned.
when there was the guild perk to summon guild mates it was easy to get on the isle. guild i was in was looking for spots to edge MGT to possibly farm the rep. blizz did something, i had a 19 stranded there, FP no longer worked and my hearth was set to there. did a GM ticket on the FP gone, i have achieve for discovery. basicly was told, not supposed to be there, got logged out, logged back in and was at crossroads GY
btw at start of BC, mobs in open world gave rep also, so getting summoned and following is how twinks got the skyguard trinkets, items from quartermaster in HFP, ogre faction at blades edge mountains, along with ability to get credit from some events and quests