1H Fury DPS spec viable for 70s?

Back 70 for a second. How do you guys think single minded fury will do? With the new talent tree setup we will not be able to get SMF and deep wounds. Do you think the dps boost will be more than that of deep wounds or will it not be worth it to grab SMF. Thoughts?
Cuddle said:
I need the maths, and it's not only about threat but dps too.. As of now I have plenty of health and avoidance to tank swp easily and i'm mostly gemming strength (after hit / exp cap ofc) which is why i wanna know if arpen at lower levels -> str regarding threat & dps.

how many gems are you using for str that would be arp?

prolly wouldnt be worth it if its only a few

Cuddle said:
yeah uhmm.. maybe i should've told you i posted in the 70-79 forum for a reason, uhmm.. yeah.. i think you get the clue now :)

yea uhm just scale it down. just telling you it works at 80 ;)
Unholy[S]haman;186513 said:
I think we all know the answer to that one *cough* :p

i don t
Rubixx said:
1H Fury is soper fun. IMO at least.

Edit: Especially with both glaives. ;-)

well thats just the thing. I love 1h fury and i also have glaives but with the xpack so soon im wondering how fury will do with all of the changes. I either go for deep wounds or SMF. Should be interesting for sure.
Obviously it will still be worth being 2*1hander since they obviously are gonna be focusing with it with the obvious talent for 1 handed fury.. obvious shit is obvious, why the dumb question? You think they'll make a talent that'll focus on 1 handed fury just so it can be shit dps?..
Cuddle said:
Obviously it will still be worth being 2*1hander since they obviously are gonna be focusing with it with the obvious talent for 1 handed fury.. obvious shit is obvious, why the dumb question? You think they'll make a talent that'll focus on 1 handed fury just so it can be shit dps?..

No but they are making the talent with level 85 in mind. As a 70 fury warrior now deep wounds is a must. I am not saying SMF will suck i am just wondering if it will be worth grabbing OVER deep wounds considering how important DW is now.
you woudlnt even be able to unlock deep wounds at 70 would you. thought you need lvl 69 at the earliest to unlock a second tree, meaning the 1 talent point for digging 70 (if you even get one) would not be enough to get deep wounds. im gonna say smf is win unless im wrong. even then the damage boost will prolly out weigh the bleed, not sure tho
ya, arms benefits way more from str than fury.. smf is still gonna be top dps just because i said so. Oh and enrage
Woodridge said:
ArP going out the window?


should be changing into crit. meaning gonna require some regemming to str unless you dont have crit some how

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