Currently seeing a lot of 10-19 bgs popping on their fresh pvp realm Tel'Abim and still some 19's on their PvE realm Nordanaar. Community is fairly solid but no full 10v10 twink premades yet. Some of these people know their stuff and they're going all-out on gear and consumes (enchanted rocket boots, medicine pouches, jutebraid gloves, the works).
You can turn off exp at any point and turn it back on as well, level and pvp as a hardcore if you want, and grab/exploit the game for some incredible custom loot (there's a +14agi/+14int head you can get as an example).
Looking for more to join us and really make this start to pop off. <Fortitude> is the go-to guild at the moment on the PvE realm, not sure yet on the PvP realm since it's just kicking off this past week.
EDIT: Forgot to mention you can queue up for 3v3 arenas and Arathi Basin at any level.
Currently seeing a lot of 10-19 bgs popping on their fresh pvp realm Tel'Abim and still some 19's on their PvE realm Nordanaar. Community is fairly solid but no full 10v10 twink premades yet. Some of these people know their stuff and they're going all-out on gear and consumes (enchanted rocket boots, medicine pouches, jutebraid gloves, the works).
You can turn off exp at any point and turn it back on as well, level and pvp as a hardcore if you want, and grab/exploit the game for some incredible custom loot (there's a +14agi/+14int head you can get as an example).
Looking for more to join us and really make this start to pop off. <Fortitude> is the go-to guild at the moment on the PvE realm, not sure yet on the PvP realm since it's just kicking off this past week.
EDIT: Forgot to mention you can queue up for 3v3 arenas and Arathi Basin at any level.
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