19's Vanilla on Private Servers (Turtle WoW)



Currently seeing a lot of 10-19 bgs popping on their fresh pvp realm Tel'Abim and still some 19's on their PvE realm Nordanaar. Community is fairly solid but no full 10v10 twink premades yet. Some of these people know their stuff and they're going all-out on gear and consumes (enchanted rocket boots, medicine pouches, jutebraid gloves, the works).

You can turn off exp at any point and turn it back on as well, level and pvp as a hardcore if you want, and grab/exploit the game for some incredible custom loot (there's a +14agi/+14int head you can get as an example).

Looking for more to join us and really make this start to pop off. <Fortitude> is the go-to guild at the moment on the PvE realm, not sure yet on the PvP realm since it's just kicking off this past week.

EDIT: Forgot to mention you can queue up for 3v3 arenas and Arathi Basin at any level.
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Not sure why. Twinking for me in vanilla and TBC always emphasized getting the best possible gear and this gives a viable alternative to fishing every sunday while also letting you have some build diversity over just more stam in the head slot.
Oh I'm not telling folks not to, I'm just telling you what would deter me from playing.
A different ruleset with holes and exploits. Ones that give already strong(agi) classes even more of a leg up, mind you.
I can see that, although paladins are probably the biggest winners of the bracket and shamans are dumpstering people with high dps. I legitimately have more trouble on my rogues fighting either of those than any hunter I've seen.
I like how turtle wow has classic+ elements and id be interested in making a twink, only real issue is that id be starting from fresh lol
Did they make low level changes to pallies over on turtle?
Yeah, pretty sure they have crusader strike and its holy damage on turtle. At least last time I played over there whichw as a few years ago tbf so I might be wrong.
Pretty sure its a lvl 10 quest ability.
Paladins also benefit from a large amount of custom items from custom quests, such as amazing mail shoulders, attack power neck, and some trinkets. They were already more than viable in classic, turtle wow just made them insane
Yeah, pretty sure they have crusader strike and its holy damage on turtle. At least last time I played over there whichw as a few years ago tbf so I might be wrong.
Pretty sure its a lvl 10 quest ability.
I play on TWoW. Paladins have Holy Strike and Crusader Strike. They lose Seal of the Crusader and get a non-cd CS that stacks a holy damage debuff five times. Costs 25 mana and deals holy damage, doesn't proc anything. It's kind of a ok-ish but underwhelming skill. The real winner is Holy Strike. It's a level 10 quest that requires you to kill an elite ( Hogger or Vagash if i'm not mistaken ), which is a Holy damage Heroic Strike ( next melee ) with a 10s cd. It's busted, deals a lot of damage and made paladins into one of the best leveling classes in the server.
Did they make low level changes to pallies over on turtle?
Paladins in general have some abilities that were cut in alpha/beta as well as a lot of changes to their talent tree, but the big ones are Crusader Strike and Holy Strike. It essentially gives them an additional auto attack and Heroic Strike but with holy damage and a buff to subsequent holy damage attached. This has resulted in paladins prioritizing weapons with procs at all levels because they get more opportunities to proc them, especially if you get any "add x damage to your attack" gear. I've seen a paladin using a searing blade with fiery on it shred through a world buffed bear druid in under 20 seconds (lots of lucky crits, but still).

Also, there's some blue mail shoulders you can get for alliance only that give 8str 4stam along with 149 armor. Blows Talbar out of the water. They also can grab the re-statted Pious Leggings from the Tower of Alathalaxx (sp?) questline for some +15 healing pants with stam and spirit (still same armor as vanilla). There's also a new neck from a quest and a new 2h sword, probably some other stuff I'm forgetting.

Since you can faction swap (costs money), most of this stuff isn't a big deal for other classes, but shamans/paladins can't swap at all so they're stuck with only their side's quest rewards.
Classic wrath has a massive population and pops from 10am untill 2am. what does turtle do better than wrath? no shade just wondering why
Im guessing the benefit would be not paying for a dead game where Blizzard killed twinking off because they are morons
yeah but its not dead tho, im ok paying for wrath. doesnt answer my question g
It doesn't do anything "better", it does things differently. There's different bis, there are more possibilities thanks to the new items, etc etc.
Something funky about referring to this server as vanilla...

That said, cool to see a bit of a twink hub happening on private servers still. No one should feel like they have to pay to get involved. So long as there's a population, there will always be twinks!

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