19s popped at 17.30pm ST.

Hating me make you blind. You die only once per game cuz we hunt you down only after 4 stacks + so approx after 10 min + i guess with your speed you can handle the other 10 mins with flag or stealth. 0 positive impact since your team get farmed at GY and since the game is boring cuz of you holding flag, guess what ? They left...

You really wanna take the blame ? No probs you are the one who killed the bracket when you let 9 poors innocents alliance getting farmed for 15 mins. It's because you EU is dead atm, your dodging ability in premade when Azol told us his team is ready, the fact the 9 others alliance guy feel desesperate cuz no rejuv on them, and when you pay attention a bit more, TL have GY farmed only when a guy come here and whine, or when you are in the glutch FC'ing.

but i admire you, your back must hurt since all this blame on you and you still play this game. Enjoy your EU WSG trip crossing mid.

For the record, you didn't change the meta game.

PM me once you get past your personal issues & we will talk
I'm interested in playing 19s again... would be awsome to see some competitive bgs popping in the future! After trying to revive the 29 bracket i quit WoW for a while^^ Tried out 20-24 and it was the most boring thing i've ever seen ... 24s just farming f2p's (thats just my point of view) so i will focus on 19s.
I'm interested in playing 19s again... would be awsome to see some competitive bgs popping in the future! After trying to revive the 29 bracket i quit WoW for a while^^ Tried out 20-24 and it was the most boring thing i've ever seen ... 24s just farming f2p's (thats just my point of view) so i will focus on 19s.

arent u that hunter who backpaddles like no one else lol
any pops so far?

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