19s Armory Library

cinderblok said:
hit =/= style

You said he was over the hit cap so I thought you referred to the style cap since he isn't even close to being hard capped.

cinderblok said:
True, if you really want to go for % for OH to hit...

Expertise is a better option than going for OH hit however.

Do you even know what hit above the soft cap does?
cinderblok said:
If you're questioning if I do then I assume you're stating that I do not, so please enlighten me.

Hit from 5% to 24% reduces your chance to miss with white hits (from both mainhand and offhand) which increases your damage aswell as your rage generation.
_Arkant_ said:
And why is being over the style cap a bad thing?

Not a bad thing per se, but as it only benefits white damage, I'd call it inferior if you can get similar amounts of other stats (str/crit) that affect all damage.
i know i'm over hit cap, but i don't find it to be a problem, the extra rage from OH hits is nice and sometimes i use my other weap with crusader just for fun. i guess if i have a few extra gold i'll buy the expertise helm just so i don't get dodged by clothies and the like but i am usually attacking from behind anyway. soo..

same thing about the cloak, i have the other cloak, just haven't bothered enchanting it yet

Athylle said:
Not a bad thing per se, but as it only benefits white damage, I'd call it inferior if you can get similar amounts of other stats (str/crit) that affect all damage.
the helm with hit also has crit, whereas the helm with expertise has parry.. so it's really a small difference
Megingjard said:
i know i'm over hit cap, but i don't find it to be a problem, the extra rage from OH hits is nice and sometimes i use my other weap with crusader just for fun. i guess if i have a few extra gold i'll buy the expertise helm just so i don't get dodged by clothies and the like but i am usually attacking from behind anyway. soo..

same thing about the cloak, i have the other cloak, just haven't bothered enchanting it yet

the helm with hit also has crit, whereas the helm with expertise has parry.. so it's really a small difference

Well, if you don't need the hit, Expertise>Crit.
I think every bracket should have ''Armory libary'' section.
cinderblok said:
Good information, thanks

hi guys,

just thought i'd like to share this info:

without the hit helm i am at a 1.05% miss with spells, which actually causes me to miss with piercing howl (i did notice this A LOT before i got the guild rep for the helm)


missing piercing howl is no bueno

also i missed 16% of white hits which is lame! the extra hit from the helm is worth it imo. just try to attack from behind, that's all :)
they were talking about it for the entirety of page 19? i was going to make a new thread but i thought i'd just continue it here. i can delete the post and make a new thread if you'd like, but i'm just wondering why you didn't say that to the people that spent 2 pages talking about it before i just posted now.

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