19 warrior?

Warrior FC's any good?... Looking to re gear and update my OLD 19 warrior from wotlk. Search Heädströng @ medivh to see armory. I always played as FC or defensive dps so looking for any tips or quest items i am missing. Sorry i cant link it as i am on my phone. Cheers. In Before FOTM, i played 19 warrior for years in frostmourne on Bloodlust battlegroup before xp off etc. Thanks!
arms is best atm u would probably have more fun playing arms rather then fc. but i played my fc warrior a few times i liking druid for fcing more cuz i tend to need help crossing on my warrior and druids u can stealth but say u do got help i think they more tankier then druids.
Okay. Any opinions on best arms set up? Is Runic darkblade BIS?

Pretty sure BAR is bis.

And I agree 110% with randy that warr FCing in pugs is not exactly at it's peak right now. It hasn't been great since cata as we've seen dramatic increases to movement speeds and ranged dps power, mobility and snares. You really do need speed to get across mid.

Missing the days before travel form T-T mage / rogue fcing

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