19 Warrior Twink


Might I ask do you do WSG or Arena more?

I'd rate 9/10

-1 due to you don't have rank 3 lifeblood.

If your being an FC get rid of skinning and swap it for herb and if your more dps then get rid of mining

Apart from that I'd try swap around your gear so your running 10 or 11 hit cap.

On my own warrior I run around 10.

I'd also swap out an AGM for insinga if your doing arena but another agm is always nice for WSG when trinket is on CD.

The World of Warcraft Armory - Rushmore @ Draenor - Profile

That is my warrior incase you want to take a look on my set up is like.

Your specc and glyph seem alright to me.
Thank you for your feedback. I do WSG.

You are right I have to swap mining for herb. This is my next step.

(I realy often look on your set. Rushmore is my idol. ^^ Before some days you wear I very cool set with shield and high critchance. Nice one. :) )
I'm around 29% crit rating when I run with BAR and around 27% when running S/S

I'd also say for your specc you should run BAR/2-H rather than S/S

Yeah herb will help a lot with surviving and aswell you hardly lose any hp due to your 2nd AGM

I'd also run hit pots in wsg which give you + 10 along with your boa bow makes you hit capped :]

Thanks dude, let me know if you need anything else

Thinking of switching around my specc abit and glyph atm to test out.
I do u have a grust shield of blocking?
I'm searching it to test but atm I dont get on. :/

//E: Btw. these are the values with BAR: (153-184 Damage, 30,04 Critchance)

ditch strength in MH and get crusader. It procs often enough to make it worth it.

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