19 Warlock LF Guild


As the title says I'm looking for a guild on a US server. Been gone 7 months and recently started my account back up for the patch. I've been around for years so I'm not new to the twinking business. My most recent guild I've been in (and my longest standing one) is/was Meat Puppet on their A Team. Though sadly it appears to be dead now. I have an 85 Paladin that I plan on bringing with my Lock here as well.

Quick question though: What are the top guilds on both factions currently (that is being most active/premading and skill)?

Also, link to my armory in case you need to see: http://us.battle.net...sforlife/simple

*I CAN xfer/faction change if needed at any moment*
nice gf-ed lock you got there!
Talk to me in game sometime ( real id ) Mikehine20@yahoo.com or PM me here..

if you plan on going to bleeding hollow you will more than likely retire your toon there...
There are 2 activly premading guild right now, Lethal synergy ( alliance ) and Laughing skull ftw ( horde ) all other guilds are slacking.
I have an old friend of mine that's in LS, Sodawater I think is the name he's going by. I'm leaning more towards horde right now though. I've been alliance for most of my time and horde side looks like they could use some help based on my last few days pugging.
I have an old friend of mine that's in LS, Sodawater I think is the name he's going by. I'm leaning more towards horde right now though. I've been alliance for most of my time and horde side looks like they could use some help based on my last few days pugging.

yeah, soda's in LS. good luck and see ya in the gulch!
Hey Dots. Made in China is just getting started again in premades. We just hit guild level 20 on Cenarius since we left Azgalor at begining of Cata when battlegroups were joined for ques. We still have toons on Azgalor if needed to pull into premades via realid etc. We have some premades in the works vs LSFTW and Browntown has 10 he said. Something to consider.
Long time no see Blinka. You guys horde or alli still?

Well most of us are Ally, but I have toons both sides on Cenarius.

I'd like to get one faction going solid first before doing both sides. Besides with the fix for wargames soon and queing up as 10 man raids etc soon, we can do most pvp things using one faction.
Yeah, I might join you guys if I can't find a suitable Horde guild. I have a main I need to think about as well. So the realm matters to me. And I want to roll Goblin lock. Since I've toyed around with a few things and it seems to be the best class suitable to my liking.
Good luck either on where ever you choose.

As for your main there is plenty of end game raiding guilds on server, but we are moving into the raiding aspect with guild soon. Cenarius end game pvp has some good rbg teams,but not as many as pvp servers. Since my daughter's birth I am picking back up my RBG activity too and getting that reactivated.

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