19 Twinks, -

It seems like we have been having alot of trouble getting twinks on to Q for warsong gulch. Supose our dream of getting the battle group merged will never come true. It's sad to see how bad twinking as a community has died over the past year, 2009.
Twinkin' ain't dead.
never said twinks are dead. Im saying it " seems " like they are dying. Like fewer and fewer are playing. Myself am getting my guild, 19 back together for premades.
I have the money, but I will never transfer to ruin. Everyone alwase says transfer to ruin but when you say that your killing other battle groups. Its preatty stupid tbh.
The other battlegroups are already dead o_O
we play on vengeance and its the 2nd strongest after ruin, though ruins activity is 3:1 compared to ours.
Yea, were picking up on Veng, I have prepared like 3-4 premades. It's getting preatty good. I am looking for more members to join the ranks though. Need some good people who know what they are doing. I'm willing to sponsor some people but i require you to actually play daily. And I have a vent interview with you. I would much rather you transfer an existing twink to Mug'thol [H] with the name of <Best in Show> being the guild name.
Milfish said:
Yea, were picking up on Veng, I have prepared like 3-4 premades. It's getting preatty good. I am looking for more members to join the ranks though. Need some good people who know what they are doing. I'm willing to sponsor some people but i require you to actually play daily. And I have a vent interview with you. I would much rather you transfer an existing twink to Mug'thol [H] with the name of <Best in Show> being the guild name.

So you're only recruiting people within your own Battlegroup?
lol want me to faction change there >.> I dk if i could go through w/ tht though sry. I've got too much history playing ally and I would become KoS w/ both sides of vengeance then too...
Yea, you don't have to faction change. If you wan't we would gladly accept you. But I'm preatty sure you would be KoS. Anyways, I would not recruit anyone from other battle groups. If they wan't to come to Mug'thol they can. But I'm not trying to ask people from other battle groups to come to Vengence. Would love for some people to come to Mug'thol [H]
after 3.3 I'll be rolling a 2nd rogue tht's gonna be horde, i might hit u guys up but keep it hushed lol
Twinking has only improved activity wise, that is if you are in Ruin.
vengeance actually started pickking up again! Though horde got alot more priests and we got... more rogues >.< FML lol

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