19 twinks making themselves famous.

I prefer this one:
Two bulls are sitting on a hill overlooking a valley of cows.
The young bull says to the old bull, "lets run down there and screw us a cow!"
The old bull says, "lets walk down there and screw them all."

I use to twink back in 06-08, and although I was on Cyclone, we had a nice group that we could always play together. When 19's started slowing down, I brought Redheadstabr up to 39, and played at that bracket for a while.
Since wrath I haven't twinked much, as endgame was more what I was into. However, I had an inkling to see what was going on in the bracket, and went to the PVP wow forums and found that the 19 bracket was alive and strong. Since my 19 is now lvl 63, it was time to roll another 19.

I like that there are a ton of new faces, but there are some I remember from the Cyclone days, and iirc, Pizza was from Cyclone. I remember him, I just don't think of him as famous.

I came back to the bracket because it's alive and well, and there are some really skilled people playing. I have enjoyed getting back in the bracket, but I don't want to be famous... I just like to play, and I love to play at this lvl!

See ya in WSG...
sup famouse twinke reporting in

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