19 Twink Shaman Guide

Puck, i just wanted to point out, thanks to 3.1, shamans get this amazing glyph

Glyph of Stoneclaw Totem

Classes: Shaman

Requires Level 15

Use: Your Stoneclaw Totem also places a damage absorb shield on you, equal to 4 times the strength of the shield it places on your totems.

hope you can add this to the guide and see how it holds up in the 19 bracket. GL


Glyph of Healing Wave-Your Healing Wave also heals you for 20% of the healing effect when you heal someone else. (Major)

Glyph of Flame Shock- Increases the duration of your Flame Shock ability by 6 sec and it is not consumed by casting Lava Burst. (Major)

There are other major glyphs you could chose from but I believe these are the two best. Unfortunately there are no minor glyphs for shamans at this level.

Not sure if this has been addressed or not, but Glyph of Stoneclaw totem is another amazing one.

Every time you drop it, a un-dispellable "bubble" that absorbs ~220-230 damage goes up and lasts for 15 seconds (you can drop stoneclaw every 30 seconds) So, every 30 seconds = 230 more hp.

Also, Stoneclaw naturally puts a 58 damage shield on all your other totems + if someone is dumb enough to attack it they have a 50% chance to be stunned for 3 seconds (aka 3+ ticks of a Heavy Runecloth)

edit: just saw Spinal mentioned this in the post right before mine. W/E my post was sexier.
Yeah I just saw this and have been testing it to see how it works. So far so good. I should be updating this guide this week with 3.1 changes, just trying to finish up my research on the gear.
I would also definitly recommend using the BoA shoulders and the hammer. Not sure which set though.

Update is needed lol :p Still a damn great guide. I would love to see more shaman twinks out there in the bgs.
savagedpuck said:
Yeah I just saw this and have been testing it to see how it works. So far so good. I should be updating this guide this week with 3.1 changes, just trying to finish up my research on the gear.

yeah i didn't take the time to see if it was updated for 3.1 /facepalm
Swoit, Might remake mine.
ya for my shammy i use duel devouts

only trouble is making sure i equip the right one (damn blizz has probs with differentiating between the two)

setting up a macro just switchs the one i have currently equipped to the one not equipped, regardless of what i wish it to be.

if u mind this and pay attention to which set up your in (mp5, sp, int, etc)

it shouldn't give u much of a problem

also idk if you talked about this much, but with the stoneclaw glyph, totem twisting is a valuable topic to talk about, not really used to my knowledge at this lvl prior to this glyph

also some shaman friendly macros and ui addon's i think would help those looking to maximize or customize their set up.

ie, retotem, spell alert, etc

finishing checking on exactly what the stoneclaw glyph does, heard a bit but double checkin myself.
Yeah as far as weapon setup the general consensus by the better shamans out there are dual Devout's one with 22 int, one with 30 spell power, then a spirit weapon, like blessed hammer/evocator's.

As far as totem-twisting it is fun, I am used to it from raiding on my shaman, before they altered the totems.

UI's-I don't use ui's much, call it because I use a Mac or because I am a bit lazy, but I should find some decent ones that can be used.

Macro's-Yeah i need to get some marcro's in there. One person at pwndepot even had a macro that was able to do weapon switching even with unique/same weapons so I need to test it to see if it still works

But as far as the guide, most of it is pretty much still usable, need to alter some enchants and some equipment. Yay!

Also Devourer I was reading your post on debating the 4mp5/4hp5 enchant versus the I believe the 7 spirit one, you still like 4mp5/4hp5 one better.

EDIT: I updated the guide with gear, still haven't added UI's or Macros but that will be next on my list. If you feel that I have left out something important or would to see something added please let me know.
What about the ring from VC with hit? Lavish + Spider cloak would be a nice little bit of hit would be great to not miss a shock.
Elol said:
What about the ring from VC with hit? Lavish + Spider cloak would be a nice little bit of hit would be great to not miss a shock.

Best shaman 19 ring imo. U need that hit for FS if nothing else to keep the rogues anoyed.
Hey there, liked your guide,

as others stated, macro's would be a good addition =).

Using some myself but not all people are comfortable with the

macro scripting..

One thing, I have seen some Horde shamans with

the Screecher belt ( [ITEM]16987[/ITEM] ),

it's a slight stat for AP tradeoff, but has it's uses in a dps gearset,

where you know you are able to stick on your target and make good

use of the AP.

Might be worth having in there as an option.
A shaman at 19 should never ever ever NEVER be thinking of stacking up AP and puting crusader on your weapon and go whack someone. EVER.
Elol said:
What about the ring from VC with hit? Lavish + Spider cloak would be a nice little bit of hit would be great to not miss a shock.

The cloak is a yes for WSG'ing but the ring is more for arena, where hit matters a lot more. In wsg the trade off for that hit really isn't worth it because you're healing a majority of the time anyway.
You all know what time it is, patch time and with it new goodies. I should be updating this week.
okay guys i am getting back into the twinking game again after about a 3 year break from it to raid end game content. i had this twink in early BC that i got asked to make on some random server by a guild [char=Firetree]Pandah[/char], just wanted to know how i can update it. I'm pretty sure my original intention was to make him a FC. i have read alot of your guide savage and liked it alot.

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