19 twink rogue guide.


Lucky Fishing Hat w/ +100 hp - http://www.wowhead.com/?item=19972

Green Tinted Goggles until you get lucky fishing hat - http://www.wowhead.com/?item=4385

Scout's Medallion - http://www.wowhead.com/?item=20442

Serpent's Shoulders - http://www.wowhead.com/?item=5404

Heirloom shoulders if possible

Sentry Cloak w/ 3 agility - http://www.wowhead.com/?item=2059

Blackened Defias Armor w/ 100hp - http://www.wowhead.com/?item=10399

Tunic of Westfall for alliance/dps - [url]http://www.wowhead.com/?item=2041 [/url]

Wrangler's Wristbands of The Monkey w/ 9 stam - http://www.wowhead.com/?item=15331

Scouting Gloves of The Monkey w/ 15 agility - http://www.wowhead.com/?item=6586

Gloves of the fang for DPS. [url]http://www.wowhead.com/?item=10413 [/url]

Deviate Scale Belt - http://www.wowhead.com/?item=6468

Scouting Trousers of the Monkey w/ Nethercleft - http://www.wowhead.com/?item=6587

Nat Pagles Extreme Anglin' Boots w/ 9 stam and speed - http://www.wowhead.com/?item=19969

Feet of The Lynx until you get fishing boots - http://www.wowhead.com/?item=1121[/... [/U]- [url]http://www.wowhead.com/?item=6414 ;; http://www.wowhead.com/?item=2933

Legionnaire's band - http://www.wowhead.com/?item=20429

Arena Grand Master - http://www.wowhead.com/?item=19024

Insignia of the Horde/Alliance - http://www.wowhead.com/?item=18849

Shadowfang w/ 15 agility - http://www.wowhead.com/?item=1482

Cruel Barb w/ 15 agility - http://www.wowhead.com/?item=5191

Assassin's Blade for speed - http://www.wowhead.com/?item=1935

Rogue Races:


Undead - Have an anti-fear, and shadow resistance. Highly useful against warlocks.

Blood Elf - Arcane torrent pulls other rogues out of sealth and their mana tap ability works for energy.

Orc - Have an ability that ups your damage. Pretty useful in long ass fights.

Troll - Very underestimated, their regeneration is pretty powerful, when they go out of combat they gain health A LOT faster. They also have an ability that increases your attack speed based on your health when activated.


Humans - They have an extra trinket, and can see things stealthed better. VERY overpowered, this is the dominant rouge race on the alliance side

Night Elf - A good race that can drop out of combat easily with shadowmeld and then stealth away.

Dwarves - Wouldn't recommend this race until 29. They have an anti-poison.

Gnomes - 1.75 minute escape from traps/roots

I'll answer any questions I can if you either post them here or PM me them.
Fred said:
I would say that gnome are a rather good choice, an instant dispel for snare on a 1.75 minute cooldown comes in handy a lot. =D

this, and the blood elves silence is incredibly useful vs casters. i mean...you get to silence them...AND get the energy for a kick!
@ the other gear suggestions, this is balance gear for 19 rogues. As stated in the last paragraph.

@ gnomes, is it really worth it against humans every man for himself?

This guide is meant to be an outline for a balance rogue.
BrAiNsToRm said:
@ gnomes, is it really worth it against humans every man for himself?

1.75 minute CD + 5 minute CD vs 2 minute CD.

the 1.75 minute CD works on slow/stopping effects only. but at 19, these are the most prevelant forms of CC you will see. fears are shared only amongst two classes, rogues hold the only form of incapacitates aside grenades, and stuns are found few and far between, with paladins having the only stun that you should trinket out of.
On horde side my favorite choice for rogue would be troll because they have the best starting stats for a rogue. They have much more agility and str than any other starting class. The 10-30% attack speed is fun but not a game breaker, as mentioned above the health regen is underestamated. alliance I would much rather have NE then human. The ne has a vanish that is way op if you time it right and their bonus stealth will guantee the opener every time. Also Ne has the most starting agility.
When did the gnome cooldown even become 1.75?

Also: Humans have perception, which is SUCH an advantage in rogue v rogue.
elocon said:
Perception is nerfed and openers isent that big on 19 (right?)

well, in rogue duels, openers at 19 = probably a garrote, which does a pretty good deal of unmigated damage. most damage comes in forms that does not land ~40-60% of the time due to the nature of dodge % so that opener is vital in getting ahead of a rogue you're dueling.
I was full garrote/bleed damage on my rogue. Worked VERY well, the only rogues who would beat my undead is human because they would ALWAYS get the jump on me.
Was 1 min for a while too, I think (I played gnome since vanilla wow soo) but they nurfed it
I believe escape artist is on a separate cool down from the pvp trinket and every man for himself shares the trinket cool down. Yes, humans get another trinket slot because of their racial, but gnomes essentially get two ways to break out of snares with independent cool downs. That's very useful for flag running. The short cool down means escape artist is almost always up when running across the field, and from my experience people love to snare the flag runner.
Every Man For Himself share cd with "PvP trinket". Escape Artist dont.

Still I whould go Human 2min PvP trinket and 1 more trinket slot of the lost on 1.75min snare break.
Add in the other rogue sets. You should consider copying/pasting the Blizzard tooltips for Racials because some of your information is outdated/incorrect/misleading. I'll add examples if you want but you should be able to change that without direct examples. Honestly I disagree with all the information that was added that doesn't pertain to gear.

For example, I personally believe that all informative documents should be unbiased.

I did not put heirloom gear, because it takes NO skill and like I have said before, the ZG enchants are like exploits and are only there to compensate for a lack of skill

Plus, while you can argue that heirloom items with the Gladiator inscription are an exploit, heirloom items with no enchant are perfectly acceptable and in most casses still better then the shoulders used in TBC.

Also I'd recomend that you take out the "How to Rogue 101" because the reader probably should already have some basic knowledge of how to pvp.

Also things like this are incorrect.

As a rogue you want to move around your target so they cant hit you correctly, and never give your back away because that's a free hit.

When attacing from behind it is impossible to be dodged or parried. There is still a 5% chance to miss.

A few other things.

I invented backpedaling and it is looked down upon

Really?? I won't go into the fact that you think you're the first person who has ever thought of pressing the "s" key. But backpedaling is never effective.
Actually, I find backpedaling VERY effective, like I said it depends how you use it, I agree with no enchant they are acceptable, but how many people do you know right now without enchants on them? After they remove the glyphs on them then I will accept them.

Also: 5% is nothing to rely on, it's BASICALLY a free hit.
BrAiNsToRm said:
Actually, I find backpedaling VERY effective, like I said it depends how you use it, I agree with no enchant they are acceptable, but how many people do you know right now without enchants on them? After they remove the glyphs on them then I will accept them.


you need to backstrafe, where you move diagonally backwards. i don't know how to do it with arrow keys (lol i use a mouse to do it), but if you do it you will keep your front towards the other player while being able to move at 100% speed.

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