19 Twink Rogue Guide



Table of Contents

1. Picking the Race

2. Gear and Enchants

3. Talents

4. Others

1. Picking the Race

Popular Alliance choices are Night Elf, for the extra agility, and Human, for Every Man for Himself. Gnomes are also rather popular and dwarves make appearances here and there. Popular Horde choices include Blood Elf and Undead. Every race has it's advantages and disadvantages, and your choice should be based largely on your play style.


Human - The ability to detect stealth more adeptly than the other races is a bonus to survivability against other rogues. Every Man for Himself effectively allows you to have three trinkets, as it acts as an Insignia of the Alliance and shares the cooldown, too.

Dwarf - A survivability race, with more stamina and Stoneform, which will remove bleeds, poisons, and diseases and increase your armor slightly.

Night Elf - A very popular choice, Night Elves have the ability to Shadowmeld, which is similar to the Vanish ability. In addition, they have the most agility of any Alliance Race.

Gnome - The bonus to engineering for a gnome allows you to create higher-level Engineering items than the other races, however, you don't need to take up engineering in the first place. Escape Artist is a very nice racial ability that will remove all roots and snares (But NOT stuns!).


Orc - A high-stamina race with some nice racials. Blood Fury is nice for increasing your attack power and can give you the extra boost you need to take down other players. Hardiness will also reduce the duration of stun effects.

Forsaken - A very popular Horde race. Shadow Resistance will decrease the chance shadow spells hit you. Will of the Forsaken will remove charm, fear, and sleep effects on you, making for a potent combination versus Warlocks alongside Shadow Resistance. Cannibalize is a nice way to restore health without sitting down to eat, using a potion, putting stress on a healer, or running to a Rejuvenation powerup.

Troll - Many racials that benefit rogues. Berserking is a useful ability that will increase attack speed by amounts that vary depending on how badly injured the troll is. The highest possible bonus from Berserking is 30%. However, Berserking will cost you some Energy. Da Voodoo Shuffle is a new racial ability that decreases the duration of snares by 15%. Regeneration will increase your health regeneration rate by 10% and allow 10% of your health regeneration to take place during combat. While that may not seem useful at first it can save you in a pinch. Bow and Throwing Specialization will increase your ranged critical chance, be it with a bow or a throwing weapon.

Blood Elf - Arcane Torrent is the highlight here. Using it will silence every foe within an 8-yard radius and will also restore 15 energy. Magic Resistance will also decrease the chance that any spell will hit you by 2%.

2. Gear and Enchants


[ITEM]Lucky Fishing Hat[/ITEM] - To Obtain this hat you will have to reach 225 fishing and work your way to the fishing contest on Sunday which takes place between 2:00-4:00 Server Time. You need to catch [ITEM]Keefer's Angelfish[/ITEM] to get the hat.

[ITEM]Green Tinted Goggles[/ITEM] - If you don't want to waste time with the hat get these. You obtain these by getting 150 engineering skill.


[ITEM]Sentinel's Medallion[/ITEM] - To obtain this for ALLIANCE only you need to queue yourself for Warsong Gultch and get 20 Warsong Gultch Marks and 65 Honor Points.

[ITEM]Scout's Medallion[/ITEM] - To obtain this for HORDE only you need to queue yourself for Warsong Gultch and get 20 Warsong Gultch Marks and 65 Honor Points.


[ITEM]Stained Shadowcraft Spaulders[/ITEM] - To Obtain these you need to get 40 [ITEM]Emblem of Heroism[/ITEM]

[ITEM]Exceptional Stormshroud Shoulders[/ITEM] - To Obtain these you need to get 200 [ITEM]Stone Keeper's Shard[/ITEM]

[ITEM]Serpent's Shoulders[/ITEM] - Drop off Lady Anacondra, the first boss in Wailing Caverns.


[ITEM]Sentry Cloak[/ITEM] - It's a rare drop, usually found in the AH (Auction House)

ENCHANT : +3 AGI to the Cloak


[ITEM]Stained Shadowcraft Tunic[/ITEM] - You need 40 [ITEM]Emblem of Heroism[/ITEM] for this item.

[ITEM]Blackened Defias Armor[/ITEM] - Drops of Van Cleef in Deadmines. He is the last boss.

[ITEM]Tunic of Westfall[/ITEM] - Obtained through the Defias Brotherhood Quest (Alliance only)



[ITEM]Wrangler's Wristbands[/ITEM] - Falcon, Monkey, or Eagle 3/3 Preferably Monkey would be the best choice.

[ITEM]Forest Leather Bracers[/ITEM] - BoE, The more common choice since they're easy to obtain. Mostly found in the Auction House



[ITEM]Gloves of the Fang[/ITEM] - (BoE); Dropped by Druid of the Fang in Wailing Caverns .

[ITEM]Scouting Gloves[/ITEM] - of the Monkey (BoE); World Drop.



[ITEM]Deviate Scale Belt[/ITEM] - (BoE); Leatherworking Pattern (Quest reward from Deviate Eradication).

[ITEM]Belt of the Fang[/ITEM] - (BoP); Dropped by Lady Anacondra in the Wailing Caverns.

[ITEM]Blackened Defias Belt[/ITEM] - (BoE); Dropped by Captain Greenskin in Deadmines.


[ITEM]Leggings of the Fang[/ITEM] - Dropped by Lord Cobrahn in Wailing Caverns.

[ITEM]Scouting Trousers[/ITEM] or [ITEM]Rigid Leggings[/ITEM] - of the Monkey (BoE); World Drop

[ITEM]Scouting Trousers[/ITEM] or [ITEM]Rigid Leggings[/ITEM] - of Agility (BoE); World Drop

[ITEM]Dark Leather Pants[/ITEM] - (BoE); Leatherworking Pattern (Trainer)

ENCHANT : [ITEM]Medium Armor Kit[/ITEM] for BoP / [ITEM]Heavy Armor Kit[/ITEM] for BoE


[ITEM]Feet of the Lynx[/ITEM] - (BoE); World Drop.

[ITEM]Footpads of the Fang[/ITEM] - (BoP); Dropped by Lord Serpentis in Wailing Caverns.



[ITEM]Protector's Band[/ITEM] or [ITEM]Legionnaire's Band] - PvP Honor System reward in Warsong Gulch.

[ITEM]Meadow Ring[/ITEM] - of Eluding (BoE) World Drop

[ITEM]Seal of Wrynn[/ITEM] - (BoP) Quest reward from An Audience with the King.

[ITEM]Seal of Sylvanas[/ITEM] - (BoP) Quest reward from Arugal Must Die.


[ITEM]Inherited Insignia of the Alliance[/ITEM] or [ITEM]Inherited Insignia of the Horde[/ITEM] - (BoA); Sold by Alliance Knight Dameron and Horde Stone Guard Mukar in Wintergrasp. Cost: 250 [ITEM]Stone Keeper's Shard[/ITEM]

[ITEM]Insignia of the Alliance[/ITEM] or [ITEM]Insignia of the Horde[/ITEM] - PvP Honor System Reward

[ITEM]Swift Hand of Justice[/ITEM] - (BoA); Sold by Alliance Arcanist Ivrenne and Horde Magistrix Lambriesse in Dalaran. Cost: 50 [ITEM]Emblem of Heroism[/ITEM]

[ITEM]Arena Grand Master[/ITEM] - Quest reward from Arena Grandmaster

[ITEM]Minor Recombobulator[/ITEM] - Engineering schematic (Vendor).

Main Hand

[ITEM]Shadowfang[/ITEM] - (BoE); Random drop in Shadowfang Keep.

[ITEM]Assassin's Blade[/ITEM] - (BoE); Random drop in Shadowfang Keep.



[ITEM]Assassin's Blade[/ITEM] - (BoE); Random drop in Shadowfang Keep.

[ITEM]Thief's Blade[/ITEM] - (BoP); Dropped by Mr. Smite in The Deadmines

[ITEM]Cruel Barb[/ITEM] - (BoP); Dropped by Edwin VanCleef in the Deadmines.

[ITEM]Sentinel's Blade[/ITEM] or [ITEM]Scout's Blade[/ITEM] - (BoP); PvP Honor System reward in Warsong Gulch.



[ITEM]Thick Bronze Darts[/ITEM] - (BoE) craft with blacksmithing.

[ITEM]Charmed Ancient Bone Bow[/ITEM] - (BoA); Sold by Alliance Arcanist Ivrenne and Horde Magistrix Lambriesse in Dalaran. Cost: 65 [ITEM]Emblem of Heroism[/ITEM]


Major Glyphs

* [Glyph of Gouge]

* [Glyph of Sinister Strike]

Minor Glyphs

* There aren't any minor glyphs that can really help a twink but here is a list of all the ones that are usable at level 19 so that you can choose for your self.

* [Glyph of Blurred Speed] (Reccommended for obtaining Lucky Fishing Hat)

* [Glyph of Pick Pocket]

* [Glyph of Pick Lock]

Talent Builds

Untested WotLK talent builds

* Stealthy

o 5/5 Dual Wield Specialization

o 3/3 Master of Deception

o 2/3 Deflection

or one i like is


o 2/5 Dual Wield Specailization

o 3/3 Master of Deception

o 2/2 Opportunity

o 3/3 Camouflage

* Assassin

o 2/3 Improved Eviscerate

o 5/5 Malice

o 3/3 Ruthlessness

These builds were written prior to Patch 3.0.2 and have not been updated for new talents.

* Duel 1

o 3/3 Improved Gouge

o 2/2 Improved Sinister Strike

o 5/5 Lighting Reflexes

* Duel 2

o 3/3 Improved Gouge

o 5/5 Master of Deception

o 2/2 Dirty Tricks

* Arena/WSG 1

o 3/3 Improved Gouge

o 2/2 Improved Sinister Strike

o 5/5 Precision

* Arena/WSG 2

o 3/5 Lightning Reflexes

o 2/2 Improved Sinister Strike

o 5/5 Precision

* Dagger 1

o 5/5 Malice

o 5/5 Opportunity

* Dagger 2

o 5/5 Malice

o 3/3 Puncturing Wounds

o 2/5 Opportunity

* Dagger 3

o 2/2 Remorseless Attacks

o 5/5 Malice

o 3/5 Opportunity



* Can be used with rogues with no stealth attacks (Sword Rogues) or to attack multiple targets.

* For non-engineers use [Ez-Thro Dynamite]


* Used to stop flag runners or if you are stunned, and need to stun other player.

[Heavy Runecloth Bandage] (can be used with 225 FA, but you need a friend/main to create it)

* Used for healing in middle of a series of fights, or quick healing.

[Healing Potion]

* Good for healing in the middle of multiple mobs.

[Minor Recombobulator]

* Used to remove Polymorph effects from a friendly player. Good for twinks in need.

[Swiftness Potion]

* Used for running the flag, or to fight the "slowing classes". Use sparingly can cost up to 10g a stack.

[Heavy Sharpening Stone]

* Made by lvl 140 blacksmiths. When applied to your weapon they add +4 damage for 60 min (alternate stones for maces and blunt weapons).

[Magic Dust]

* Incapacitates target for 30 sec.


Potions and elixirs

* [Elixir of Minor Fortitude]

* [Elixir of Lesser Agility]

* [Elixir of Lion's Strength] or [Elixir of Giant Growth]

[Rumsey Rum Black Label]

* This adds an extra 15 stamina which stacks with food buffs.


In arena your approach should be different to Warsong Gulch. You should be changing your weapons depending on the opponents and using a slightly different Talent Build.

Garotte: Rogues should concentrate on maximising the damage of their Garotte. In arena Garotte is far more useful than Ambush, which should only be used if you are certain the enemy will die from it. The best way to maximise your Garotte damage is to use an Agility Build from the equipment and enchants named above. Have your addon dual equip two Cruel Barbs both with the +15 Agility enchant. This will maximise your attack power, and hence your garotte damage.

General Strategy: The general strategy in arena is for the Rogue to gain the initial advantage (via Stealth) and then to maximise DPS to quickly defeat an opponent. The most difficuly part of this - is the Stealth aspect. As they will be aware that a Rogue is present. Mages will spam AOE, players will hide in places to prevent you getting a sap and the opponent will move in an anti-rogue formation. Because of this it is best to use a Subtlety Build built around Stealth and Garotte damage - Master of Deception (3/3) Oppurtunity (2/2) Dirty Trinks (2/2) Camouflage (3/3)
Does arcane torrent silencing prevent people from popping lifeblood?
um.... 3 problems: 1) this is the general discussion for 19 twinks. 2) their is a section called user submitted guides for you to post this, and lastly 3) their is already a much better rogue guide for 19 rogue twinks.
[item][Wrangler's Wristband][/item] of falcon is no good for rogues

[item][Throat Piercers][/item] would be a much better choice for rogues

you missed anything about hit raiing (11 or 15 for nelfs)

just what I saw (I know its in the wrong section, but this is how people get the wrong gear in their heads)

good attempt, fail guide sorry.

1) in wrong section

2) no arena build

3) gear missing

4) proper enchants missing

5) waaaaay out of date

6) missing consumables

7) whos your rogue anyways?
let's do something useful with this thread. make it a mother insult collection.


your mother is so fat, the last time she lay on the beach some greenpeace activists tried to move her back into the water.
Bansil said:
let's do something useful with this thread. make it a mother insult collection.


your mother is so fat, the last time she lay on the beach some greenpeace activists tried to move her back into the water.

Yo mamas so stupid she followed this guide o.0 ... (thts a lil harsh lol)

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