19 Twink Private Server


As most of you play on Hamcakeland? I've decided to come up with my own server.. His isn't 24/7... It's laggy and no one can take it. I have a computer that i can keep on 24/7 and it wont lag.

If you would like you help me make my own just please post your MSN or AIM or email or something and I'll talk to you.
I offered to host it but he's say no... And you are appreciated but you aren't letting anybody help you.
draem said:
I offered to host it but he's say no... And you are appreciated but you aren't letting anybody help you.

Quoted for the truth. Handing over the files would be an over night task that could be done by the time you wake up the next morning. I don't honestly see what the big deal is.
Coming from a background of creating a private server (not WoW but UO - Been on line for several years now!). It is difficult to "hand over" something that you have worked on for a while, it's almost like handing over your favourite pet to someone else. it is quite a difficult thing to do. Go easy on Hamcake ;)

but a 24/7 twink server does sound interesting. :)
I'm actually at school right now, can't download msn or anything. Q_Q If you go here Chat and make a user name, you can join my chat room. It's called "private server" password ducksftw

Edit: putting twink in the channel name and forgetting to put a password was a BAD idea. lmao
Draem Mind if I join the team?

I'd love to help out :)

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