19 Twink Information - Hunter Gear Guide - 3.1

This guide has been split into individual class gear guides because of the amount of gear listed per class. To check out the lead post with links to all the other classes, click here.



Head: [ITEM]Lucky Fishing Hat[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Green Tinted Goggles[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Shadow Goggles[/ITEM]

Neck: [ITEM]Scout's Medallion[/ITEM]

Shoulders: [ITEM]Champion Herod's Shoulder[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Stained Shadowcraft Spaulders[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Talbar Mantle[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Serpent's Shoulders[/ITEM]

Back: [ITEM]Tumultuous Cloak[/ITEM] Bandit or Elder (+3agil)/[ITEM]Spidersilk Drape[/ITEM] (+3agil)/[ITEM]Glowing Lizardscale Cloak[/ITEM](+3agil)/[ITEM]Sentry Cloak[/ITEM] (+3agil)

Chest: [ITEM]Champion's Deathdealer Breastplate[/ITEM](+4all stats)/[ITEM]Stained Shadowcraft Tunic[/ITEM](+4all stats)/[ITEM]Tree Bark Jacket[/ITEM] (+4all stats)/[ITEM]Blackened Defias Armor[/ITEM] (+4all stats)/[ITEM]Robe of Evocation[/ITEM] (+4all stats)

Wrist:[ITEM]Wrangler's Wristbands[/ITEM] Monkey, Falcon, Eagle, Stamina, Intellect, or Power (+9stam/+7int/mp5)/[ITEM]Forest Leather Bracers[/ITEM] (+9stam/+7int)

Hands: [ITEM]Scouting Gloves[/ITEM] Monkey, Falcon, or Eagle (+15agil/+10haste)/[ITEM]Gloves of the Fang[/ITEM] (+15agil/+10haste)

Waist: [ITEM]Deviate Scale Belt[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Screecher Belt[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Girdle of the Blindwatcher[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Vigorous Belt[/ITEM] of the Bandit

Legs: [ITEM]Leggings of the Fang[/ITEM](+40 armor)/[ITEM]Smelting Pants[/ITEM](+40 armor)/[ITEM]Darkweave Breeches[/ITEM](+40 armor)

Feet: [ITEM]Footpads of the Fang[/ITEM] (Minor Speed Increase/+7stam/+5 hit rating)/[ITEM]Feet of the Lynx[/ITEM] (Minor speed increase/+7 agility/+5 hit rating)/[ITEM]Trailblazer Boots[/ITEM] (Minor speed increase/+7 agility/+5 hit rating)

Ring #1: [ITEM]Dread Pirate Ring[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Seal of Sylvanas[/ITEM]

Ring #2: [ITEM]Lavishly Jeweled Ring[/ITEM][ITEM]Legionnaire's Band[/ITEM]

Trinket #1: [ITEM]Inherited Insignia of the Horde[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Insignia of the Horde[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Arena Grand Master[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Minor Recombobulator[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Swift Hand of Justice[/ITEM]

Trinket #2: [ITEM]Arena Grand Master[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Minor Recombobulator[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Swift Hand of Justice[/ITEM]

Main Hand: [ITEM]Dignified Headmaster's Charge[/ITEM](+25agil/+22int)/[ITEM]Bloodied Arcanite Reaper[/ITEM](+25agil)/[ITEM]Twisted Chanter's Staff[/ITEM] (+25agil/+22int)/[ITEM]Advisor's Gnarled Staff[/ITEM] (+25agil/+22int)

Ranged: [ITEM]Charmed Ancient Bone Bow[/ITEM](+2 damage)/[ITEM]Upgraded Dwarven Hand Cannon[/ITEM](+2 damage)/[ITEM]Venomstrike[/ITEM](+2 damage)


Head: [ITEM]Lucky Fishing Hat[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Green Tinted Goggles[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Shadow Goggles[/ITEM]

Neck: [ITEM]Sentinel's Medallion[/ITEM]

Shoulders: [ITEM]Champion Herod's Shoulder[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Stained Shadowcraft Spaulders[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Talbar Mantle[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Serpent's Shoulders[/ITEM]

Back: [ITEM]Tumultuous Cloak[/ITEM] Bandit or Elder (+3agil)/[ITEM]Spidersilk Drape[/ITEM] (+3agil)/[ITEM]Glowing Lizardscale Cloak[/ITEM](+3agil)/[ITEM]Sentry Cloak[/ITEM] (+3agil)

Chest: [ITEM]Champion's Deathdealer Breastplate[/ITEM](+4all stats)/[ITEM]Stained Shadowcraft Tunic[/ITEM](+4all stats)/[ITEM]Tunic of Westfall[/ITEM](+4all stats)/[ITEM]Tree Bark Jacket[/ITEM] (+4all stats)/[ITEM]Robe of Evocation[/ITEM] (+4all stats)

Wrist:[ITEM]Wrangler's Wristbands[/ITEM] Monkey, Falcon, Eagle, Stamina, Intellect, or Power (+9stam/+7int/mp5)/[ITEM]Forest Leather Bracers[/ITEM] (+9stam/+7int)

Hands: [ITEM]Scouting Gloves[/ITEM] Monkey, Falcon, or Eagle (+15agil/+10haste)/[ITEM]Gloves of the Fang[/ITEM] (+15agil/+10haste)

Waist: [ITEM]Deviate Scale Belt[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Girdle of the Blindwatcher[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Vigorous Belt[/ITEM] of the Bandit

Legs: [ITEM]Leggings of the Fang[/ITEM](+40 armor)/[ITEM]Smelting Pants[/ITEM](+40 armor)/[ITEM]Darkweave Breeches[/ITEM](+40 armor)

Feet: [ITEM]Footpads of the Fang[/ITEM] (Minor Speed Increase/+7stam/+5 hit rating)/[ITEM]Feet of the Lynx[/ITEM] (Minor speed increase/+7 agility/+5 hit rating)

Ring #1: [ITEM]Dread Pirate Ring[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Seal of Wrynn[/ITEM]

Ring #2: [ITEM]Lavishly Jeweled Ring[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Minor Channeling Ring[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Protector's Band[/ITEM]

Trinket #1: [ITEM]Inherited Insignia of the Alliance[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Insignia of the Alliance[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Arena Grand Master[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Minor Recombobulator[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Swift Hand of Justice[/ITEM]

Trinket #2: [ITEM]Arena Grand Master[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Minor Recombobulator[/ITEM]/[ITEM]Swift Hand of Justice[/ITEM]

Main Hand: [ITEM]Dignified Headmaster's Charge[/ITEM](+25agil/+22int)/[ITEM]Bloodied Arcanite Reaper[/ITEM](+25agil)/[ITEM]Twisted Chanter's Staff[/ITEM] (+25agil/+22int)/[ITEM]Lorekeeper's Staff[/ITEM] (+25agil/+22int)

Ranged: [ITEM]Charmed Ancient Bone Bow[/ITEM](+2 damage)/[ITEM]Upgraded Dwarven Hand Cannon[/ITEM](+2 damage)/[ITEM]Venomstrike[/ITEM](+2 damage)


Option 1) http://www.wowhead.com/?talent#cZZcfM

Hawk Eye 3/3, Savage Strikes 2/2, Surefooted 3/3, Trap Mastery 2/3.

Glyph combinations: [ITEM]Glyph of Immolation Trap[/ITEM] + [ITEM]Glyph of Mend Pet[/ITEM]

Comment: Mostly a premade spec, but works well in arena too.

Stars: [*****] 5!

Option 2) http://www.wowhead.com/?talent#cZ0eM

5/5 Lethal Shots 3/3 Careful Aim 2/5 Mortal Shots

Glyph combinations: [ITEM]Glyph of Multi-Shot[/ITEM] + [ITEM]Glyph of Mend Pet[/ITEM]

Comment: This spec is great for just some mad dps. It's always nice to be able to kill those pesky healers just as they're about to get that last heal off.

Stars: [****] 4

Option 3) http://www.wowhead.com/?talent#cZbIZM

2/2 Improved Concussive Shot 3/5 Lethal Shots 3/3 Careful Aim 2/3 Hawk Eye

Glyph combinations: [ITEM]Glyph of Serpent Sting[/ITEM] + [ITEM]Glyph of Mend Pet[/ITEM]

Comment: This is more of a WSG spec. Long rang pew pew with a nice touch of damage a long the side. You'll never know when that last tick of Serpent Sting finishes them off!

Stars: [****] 4


Skinning 225: [Master of Anatomy]

Herb 225: [Lifeblood]

Most popular (19) Hunter pets:






DarkOrange = Enchants

Teal = Green item stats

Cloak Enchants:

+12dodge rating = [ITEM]Scroll of Enchant Cloak - Dodge[/ITEM]

+15nature resist = [ITEM]Scroll of Enchant Cloak - Greater Nature Resistance[/ITEM]

+5all resist = [ITEM]Scroll of Enchant Cloak - Greater Resistance[/ITEM]

+stealth increase = [ITEM]Scroll of Enchant Cloak - Stealth[/ITEM]

+70armor = [ITEM]Scroll of Enchant Cloak - Superior Defense[/ITEM]

+3agil = [ITEM]Scroll of Enchant Cloak - Lesser Agility[/ITEM]

Chest Enchants:

+150health = [ITEM]Scroll of Enchant Chest - Exceptional Health[/ITEM]

+6all stats = [ITEM]Scroll of Enchant Chest - Exceptional Stats[/ITEM]

+mp/5 = [ITEM]Scroll of Enchant Chest - Restore Mana Prime[/ITEM]

+4all stats = [ITEM]Scroll of Enchant Chest - Greater Stats[/ITEM]

+100mana = [ITEM]Scroll of Enchant Chest - Major Mana[/ITEM]

Wrist Enchants:

+9stam = [ITEM]Scroll of Enchant Bracer - Superior Stamina[/ITEM]

+9stre = [ITEM]Scroll of Enchant Bracer - Superior Strength[/ITEM]

+7int = [ITEM]Scroll of Enchant Bracer - Greater Intellect[/ITEM]

+15sp = [ITEM]Scroll of Enchant Bracer - Healing Power[/ITEM]

+mp/5 = [ITEM]Scroll of Enchant Bracer - Mana Regeneration[/ITEM]

Glove Enchants:

+15agil = [ITEM]Scroll of Enchant Gloves - Superior Agility[/ITEM]

+20shadow sp = [ITEM]Scroll of Enchant Gloves - Shadow Power[/ITEM]

+20fire sp = [ITEM]Scroll of Enchant Gloves - Fire Power[/ITEM]

+20frost sp = [ITEM]Scroll of Enchant Gloves - Frost Power[/ITEM]

+16sp = [ITEM]Scroll of Enchant Gloves - Healing Power[/ITEM]

+10haste = [ITEM]Scroll of Enchant Gloves - Minor Haste[/ITEM]

Foot Enchants:

+Minor speed = [ITEM]Scroll of Enchant Boots - Minor Speed[/ITEM]

+7stam = [ITEM]Scroll of Enchant Boots - Greater Stamina[/ITEM]

+7agil = [ITEM]Scroll of Enchant Boots - Greater Agility[/ITEM]

+5hit rating = [ITEM]Scroll of Enchant Boots - Lesser Accuracy[/ITEM]


This post is dedicated to a few very special twinks that have really changed how I view twinking and they help make the game so much more enjoyable. Thanks for all the fish!

-Anegative <nightmare>

-Bogdar <nightmare>

-Bullemic <nightmare>

-Dooshe <nightmare>

-Rougetwo <nightmare>

also thanks to the following who contributed to this thread and the previous one.














One last BIG shout out to Drayner too, his continuous efforts to better twinking have been phenomenal. Thank you for all your hard work and revolutionizing the twink population!</nightmare></nightmare></nightmare></nightmare></nightmare>
Quick Snipets I wanted to add...

Imo Best Profs for a 19 Hunter would be Engineering for Bombs cause everybody loves a 2 sec stun, and Herbalism for the nice heal on the go. Btw don't forgot bow/gun scopes like +2 damage or +3 damage. Not exactly sure if you can get +3 scopes on Venomstrike anymore you'd have to check on that. Also last thing is I'd say best pet is Hyena because its DPS first of all and it has a hamstring type of attack with a shorter cool down then a spider. I believe its like 50% reduction of speed for like 4 secs (2 secs less then spider I know) and it has a CD of 20 secs, which is 40 secs less then spider and the only setback is the 2 secs less of slowdown to the target.

Well Thanks for a Great Guide Duckhunt.

Pet Movement Impairing Spells

Here's a short list of hunter pets with movement impairing spells. I've arranged them by spell cooldown then by attack range. I believe I got a full list, so let me know if I missed a pet. Also some of these spells also cause damage (like Pin) but I didn't include that here. I've not checked into DPS as I don't utilize my pet for anything other than slowing my opponents.

Hyena (Ferocity) - Tendon Rip: reduces movement speed by 50% for 6 sec, 20 second cooldown, melee range

Spider (Tenacity) - Web: stops movement for 4 seconds, 40 second cooldown, 20 yard range

Crab (Tenacity) - Pin: pins the target in place for 4 seconds, 40 second cooldown, melee range

Bat (Cunning) - Sonic Blast: 2 second stun, 1 minute cooldown, 20 yard range

Ravager (Cunning) - Ravage: 2 second stun, 1 minute cooldown, melee range
Im trying to find some data's about hunters and there is something i still need to know.

For example, does hunter need to be Hit capped? And if so, wich items and ench is the best for hit rating?

Atm. im going for Lavishly Jeweled Ring - 2 hit, Stained Shadowcraft Spaulders - 4 Hit, and the Lesser Accuracy - 5 Hit on boots. BUT only if hunters need to be Hit capped :)

Is the Int build the best?

Does Agi still works for Hunters?

Thanks to those who help me :)
Batgnom said:
Does hunter need to be Hit capped? And if so, wich items and ench is the best for hit rating?

Atm. im going for Lavishly Jeweled Ring - 2 hit, Stained Shadowcraft Spaulders - 4 Hit, and the Lesser Accuracy - 5 Hit on boots. BUT only if hunters need to be Hit capped :)

Imo Stained Shadowcraft Spaulders + Spidersilk Cape + Deviate Scale Belt is the best combination to get hit capped. A Hunter doesn't need to be hit capped, but it's always a nice addition that I would go for, especially when it's so easy to get.
I believe the Int build to be the best, not only do you get a ton of AP because of Careful Aim, it also drastically increases your mana pool as compared to hunters who stack Agility/Stamina, where they might have 700 mana and have to stop and drink frequently, you will have anywhere from 1500 and up in mana and be able to kill 4 or 5 people in a row before finally having to drink, where as the Agi/Stam hunter will kill maybe 2 and have to stop to drink.
hey i was just wondering what the best race for a WSG huntard is. im guessing orcs but just getting other opinions
From the Satchel Loot, while WoWHead doesn't have any of them up, the Tumultuous Cloak of the Eagle (5 Stamina, 5 Agility) makes the Sentry Cloak Obsolete, while the Bandit Version ( 4 Agility, 4 Stamina, 8 Attack Power) is the best AP option for the bracket.

Enumerated Wraps of the Eagle (6 Stamina, 6 Int) is inferior to the Girdle of the Blindwatcher.

Vigorous Belt of the Monkey is 6/6 Agi/Stam which is simply another item to make the Belt of the Fang obsolete and is arguable against the Deviate Scale Belt depending on how you individually value 1 Agi vs 3 Hit Rating.

Vigorous Belt of the Bandit however 5 Agility, 5 Stamina and 10 Attack Power, is a beast of a belt with 15 Attack Power total. The only thing that competes in terms of Attack Power gains is the Screecher Belt in an Int Build with 17 attack power at the expense of some crit/dodge from agility and 2 stamina vs the new belt. Makes picking gear as a hunter a little more interesting if you ask me ^_^.

The revamped Smelting Pants with 7 Crit Rating instead of 7 Spirit make them an option outside of Stamina Builds as well as increasing the danger posed by Stamina build hunters.

Now I'm just curious, did they pray chance change the spirit on the Screecher Belt?
Screecher Belt=

3 stamina

5 intellect

2 spirit (<- don't know if they changed it)

12 ap

50 armor

Virogous Belt Of The Bandit=

5 stamina

5 agility

10 ap

53 armor

Actually Vigorous give me 3 ap more than Screecher's (3/3 Carefull Aim). Screecher's is still interesting because of the ap - int combination.
Sorry to bump an old thread, but someone said that the Zandalar signets do work on Champion Herod's. Can anyone confirm this?
cressix said:
eww eww eww, no. Im sick of seeing people with spidesilk drape on non-casters. Get the Stained Shadowcraft Tunic IMO.

Wtf? Spidersilk is back. Stained is chest.
Cyww you're an idiot.
If you can't realize why, then you're not worth my time.

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