19 twink armories

Some interesting armories in this thread. But to make it usefull some kind of order to this could make this a very usefull place for people that are looking for this kind of information, something allready suggested by Sylvictus.
19s armory library is diff than this. this allows any 1 to post, the other 1 has a few players used for examples of that class

Sylvictus said:
You should atleast take the time to edit your thread and put some order and system into it ,














etc etc..

So people dont have to look through 10 pages or listed armorys to find the right one theyve been looking for.

Also could make like a "special armorys" section or something for people with special gear like glass cannons and level 15 twinks n such .

Just some ideas.

** this idea
Sylvictus said:
funnyman never took the time to make a list / system over the armorys , like i thought would be a great idea . so i "hijacked" his thread and made a better improved one .

To bad it isnt better at all. This list just allows everyone to post their character giving them a sense of some achievement to their character, rather than the 19 armory where mostly good/experienced players get on.
the list is supposed to be a visual guide about how to gear up their new twinks , and not haveing to look through pages after pages to find the link they were looking for . if they want a sense of achievement by posting their twinks , they could just add them into their signatures like i have?
Doomstab said:
To bad it isnt better at all. This list just allows everyone to post their character giving them a sense of some achievement to their character, rather than the 19 armory where mostly good/experienced players get on.

are u srs, phonebooks thread is a lot cleaner, u can just scroll down to the class u want to see unlike here. if u want to see bis priest gear or something u dont click this thread due to the fact u cant know u will find one.

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