19 Shaman Vid

Nice vid, not as impressive as Purj's (cause there were no 1v2s) but you have good skills none the less. I actually have been wanting a good shammy vid for awhile to help me with my own skills so this was great to watch. GJ keeping lightning shield up, thats the one thing that I always forget. I have one tip for you tho, press V. It really helps in those pillar humping situations, although you didn't seem to have too much trouble anyway.

In the future I would love to see you fight a better skilled hunter, I cant think of any other classes that give me a hard time on my shammy so thats about it.

Everything was entertaining except the last fight which went on too long but I give it a 8/10

Nice vid! What battlegroup are you in? would love to duel your shaman sometime w/ mine :)
Usually I am pretty critical about videos and what not, habit from my job. . . I am a quality auditor.

Anyhow, my comments:

1. Not sure if it was my work computer, Youtube, or your video itself. Parts of it chunked/lagged on me, was a tad bit annoying.

2. Some sections were really drawn out. Fast forward affect would have been nice.

3. Level your background music. It's a tad bit annoying when you go from say a volume of 5 and jump to a volume of 8.

Otherwise. very nice video.
Warrior fight was kind of boring, and the hunter fight took way to long to kill him. I'd have just gone for the hunter and been done with the fight, and I have no clue why he didn't finish ressing his pet. However, those comments aside I did like the video. 7/10 for no flashy graphics and such tho.
Dalaran arena I think the shaman out played you, just didn't keep track of his/her health. There were a some situations when you would earthshock to burst and he/she wouldn't heal when he/she clearly needed it.

Also, in your last 1v1, mid fight you just ran away to reset when you had the upper hand? Questionable move...

I also question the talent of the people you were 1v1ing, most of them don't seem like they know what they're doing.

I wish my computer was as good as yours heh, it make playing a lot easier. Did you try uploading to filefront? Usually better quality.
Man, you have skill.. I can tell by your play style and movement.

But MAN! Get some better opponents. Seems like you filmed it in a day from every person with twink gear you beat.

Warrior just ran away, didn't even try to kill you.

Rogue was a keyboard turner, barely did any damage even during sprint.

The hunter had no concept of wingclip and keeping his pet alive while kiting you.

The shamans were decent, the third fight was the best. You are a pretty good Shaman vs Shaman dueler.
Decent, but I absolutely HATED the music. Relatively strong skillset, but your healing wave timing is questionable. 7.5/10
Been awhile since I played, esp. a Shaman at 19 so I can not rate you on how you played. But from what I saw, you looked really good. Love the name BTW.

haha, thanks for the reviews guys

I did make this vid from clips that i got in like 1-2 days lol.

Obviously the people i played against wern't amazing, i hope they wern't that bad.

Also, I don't know how that shaman on dalaran outplayed me....... I was in control of that game the whole time until he popped lifeblood, which was the only time i lost control for a few seconds.

The 3rd shammy duel was the hardest one by far, probably the best one to watch too =P
Warrior was frustrating to watch for me. Proof right there why people think warriors are bad in the 19 bracket. If you can't charge in and get a hammy on, you will never win. Only at the end when he final caught up to you with like 30% health left. Plus he was going 1h+shield- vs. shaman I would never use a shield. Sure the silence is nice but damage wise my plan is always to burst you down and bleed you to hell.

Nonethless cool to see some videos of twinkage, makes me want to make some but my 10.0 fps computer couldn't handle that :p
ghostshock said:
Also, I don't know how that shaman on dalaran outplayed me....... I was in control of that game the whole time until he popped lifeblood, which was the only time i lost control for a few seconds.

The 3rd shammy duel was the hardest one by far, probably the best one to watch too =P

Maybe outplayed was a bad word to use, but it seemed that if he/she just was on top of the advantages that presented itself, that he/she would have won. All these shamans you dueled though, do they know how to juke the shock or even shock period?


5:57 The shaman juked you, and you started healing and your heal was shocked. Your first aid was on cd so this is when she should have bursted you, especially since you just stood there. Perfect situation for a lightning bolt and nova totem to negate the heal.
In a shaman 1v1 at 19, its really bad to fake cast

As for the part where i was standing still, I was in no way possible in danger, his earthshock was still on CD when my heal went off
ghostshock said:
In a shaman 1v1 at 19, its really bad to fake cast

As for the part where i was standing still, I was in no way possible in danger, his earthshock was still on CD when my heal went off

It's never bad to juke cast, just don't juke so much that you allow your health to drop too far and it's pretty much pointless if you juke because you'll likely be dead even if you do juke them.

I didn't say you were in danger, it's just you're sitting there casting out in the open, he/she should have dropped a nova totem and charged a lightning bolt.
it's all about getting the other shaman oom or getting the shaman to around 500 hp where you can finish him

Dropping the totem and casting a bolt would of been a terrible move mana-wise
ghostshock said:
it's all about getting the other shaman oom or getting the shaman to around 500 hp where you can finish him

Dropping the totem and casting a bolt would of been a terrible move mana-wise

If it's a terrible move, you did the exact thing in your last fight @7:20 and you had less mana than the shaman you were previously fighting had at the time that I suggested the move.
Well, either way, you do play shammy's very well.

I myself do not have a shammy twink, they look fun so, I might get myself one.

Great video though, I don't see many 19 twink videos out there.

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