19 Shaman, Mist of Pandora. (Healer comparison)

they said something about removing auto attack... So i think abilities that generate rage would in essence replace auto attack.

Only monks don't get auto-attack from what I've heard. Also, those are lv10 abilities, so how would they attack from 1-9 when Heroic Strike costs rage?

Shaman ghost wolf isn't instant, by the way, so that's still the gimp for the shaman's earthbind/grab + instawolf intention.

Also, does anyone find Savage Defense rather awkward to be something to cast constantly rather than when trying to maintain aggro?

BTW, sorry if this is the wrong thread for me to discuss all this. I'm using the phone.
Also, does anyone find Savage Defense rather awkward to be something to cast constantly rather than when trying to maintain aggro?

Blizzard changed threat so it is no longer necessary to pay it much attention. they didn't like the way it worked. The new model is that tank offensive moves should in some way increase their defence. Presumably here the idea is that using some abilities generates the necessary rage to use savage defence

Edit: I am right, check out Primal Fury, Guardian specialisation.
I believe a 3s such as Boomkin Frost mage Restoshaman is going to be really strong. Let's hope so, it would be interesting
. Proper damage from boomkin, CC's / slows from mage - stun from druid as well, and a defensive healer that can sheer incoming sheeps from enemy teams and dispel CCs on friendly units. I believe, judging from these talents, that'd indeed be the best 3s setup. It's only based off of abilities though - we all know how dmg scaling can completely mess any sort of theorycrafting up. If hunters get 1-hit dmg, then it all does not matter
Yeah that would be strong, but Rogue/Mage/Ele might also be damn strong. A double opener from the rogue combined with a burst from the ele and mage might be enough to down anyone and then the mage and ele can provide more than enough peels for the casters and mobility for the rogue with off healing coming from the ele. Fun stuff. <3 theorycrafting
Yeah that would be strong, but Rogue/Mage/Ele might also be damn strong. A double opener from the rogue combined with a burst from the ele and mage might be enough to down anyone and then the mage and ele can provide more than enough peels for the casters and mobility for the rogue with off healing coming from the ele. Fun stuff. <3 theorycrafting

We were actually talking about triple dps me and a mate when discussing this. Rogue - Warrior - Mage in 3s. Weak classes alone, but think about it. You can go RoF or Jaw which ever you like and simply zerg a target.

Sap - charge (5 sec root) open with max dmg / RoF around. If no RoF, then a 4 sec silence/freeze while mage sheeps / CS what ever is trying to peel warrior/rogue

Again; Depending on the dmg scaling in MoP.
Yeah that would be strong, but Rogue/Mage/Ele might also be damn strong. A double opener from the rogue combined with a burst from the ele and mage might be enough to down anyone and then the mage and ele can provide more than enough peels for the casters and mobility for the rogue with off healing coming from the ele. Fun stuff. <3 theorycrafting

Kore do you wanna roll tripple healer team with me? <3 resto shaman / resto druid / ohhshitbutton from a paladin :3
we could pretty much dot things to death!
I've had a look through all the melee and tbh i think they all look pretty lacklustre. I've been playing with builds this afternoon and I realised that almost all of my builds that I've come up with are full wizard cleaves. Any combination of Mage, Shadow, Afflic, Ele, Moonkin, Rsham, RDruid, Disc and Holy Priest in 2dps 1 healer or 3dps look strong. The offhealing potential of Elemental and Shadow look especially sweet. The only non wizcleaves I came up with were triple rogue (3*ambush+6*Hemo+3*4pEvisc in five seconds = many targets dead) and a mage rogue combo.

I've actually decided that Afflic/Mage(prob frost, but maybe arcane)/Rdruid is the best build though. Because melee gap closers/snares are pretty thin on the ground I think that the mage can keep off the worst of the melee, the druid is plenty mobile and the lock self healing seems immense (with dark regen), so melee won't be a problem. The lock and the mage have CCs on different DRs so they can keep at least one enemy out of the count at all times and the mage (with frostjaw) and the locks curse of enfeeblement will keep any casters from casting. The lock will also have UA which will be the bane of any resto shaman. On top of that, everyone will have a healthstone (45% ftw). I chose druid as my healer because as far as I can tell their throughput is higher and they are somewhat sheep immune (mages will be VERY popular) and wind shear won't be so necessary with the mage counterspelling/frostjawing everything. Cleanse Spirit will be missed, but since we don't have to deal with keeping melee mobile and since i think affliction will be very popular too the dispel will be somewhat less useful. Maybe I'm a bit biased towards druids though

Edit: triple healer would be amazing. Neverending, but amazing. I'd actually like to try triple resto druids because then you could just keep HoTs rolling (check out swiftmend, its ZOMFG imba) and if they ever get in trouble you just /cast displacer beast and have teammates cast regrowth on you. Immense
no matter wat nerfes pala gets, farley will still be at the top peein' next to jesus
I heard Farley was actually sub par and the 19s community wishes he would just crawl back into whatever hole he wiggled out of.

Just rumors though.

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