19 Rogue

Get boa hit shoulder, chest, dagger, agm, satchel cape ap or crit, deviate belt or the satchel one, fang boots, 3/3 agistm wrists or 10ap wrists. drop mining for skinning.
You're headed in the correct direction.

There are two problems I see with your twink: you aren't hit-capped, and you're lacking in the expertise department. Luckily, these things are very easily fixed. Obtain Stained Shadowcraft Shoulders and chest-piece to get you hit-capped. To raise your expertise you'll need to switch your current boots (Feet of the Lynx , I believe) for Footpads of the Fang. The set-bonus should put you at ~10 expertise which is a start. After you obtain the items I have listed you'll be able to switch your belt and cape for different ones that have more beneficial stats (Vigorous belt and Cape of the Bandit).

Since you're a human your character essentially has a free PvP trinket, so you're able to put two Arena Grand Master's in your trinket slots.

When it comes to bracers I believe that Forest Leather Bracers/ Wrangles Bracelets of the Monkey/Power are all equal, your selection is solely personal preference, and most view having Wrangler's as, well, status-symbol and nothing more.

If you do these thing your rogue will be 10/10. Nice work so far, and congrats on your fishing hat and Arena Grand Master!

Until then, 5.5/10

Happy hunting :),

-Natlieportmn, 19 Rogue

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