19 Rogue ideas and twinking

Hiya, I've had my twink for some time now but sadly I really don't get the chance to BG/arena with all the raiding of late... :p I've been slacking I know :eek:

I have a few ideas and upgrades but I'd love ur thoughts and maybe opinions on what I've listed. I'm always lookin for the best possible setup, which is infact what it means to be a twink :p

Armory - http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Quel%27Thalas&n=Altessa

I'm running a female Gnome, yus pink hair, hard to track in combat and ofc escape artist to strart off.


I'm currently running [ITEM]Green Tinted Goggles[/ITEM] with the +100 HP libram, the obv upgrade would be [ITEM]Lucky Fishing Hat[/ITEM] wit hthe same enchant.


No Shocker here [ITEM]Sentinel's Medallion[/ITEM]


I'm currently running [ITEM]Serpent's Shoulders[/ITEM] without an enchant, I was thinking about going for for the BoA shoulders (pvp or pve one's?) and enchant it with the [ITEM]Greater Inscription of the Gladiator[/ITEM].


No surpise here [ITEM]Sentry Cloak[/ITEM] with a +3 agi enchant


Running Tunic of Westfall with +100 HP, don't think theres beter atm.


[ITEM]Forest Leather Bracers[/ITEM] plus + 9 stam enchant, again can't think of beter.


[ITEM]Gloves of the Fang[/ITEM] with a +15 agi enchant, I really like these.


Deviate Scale Belt nothing beter out there


[ITEM]Dark Leather Pants[/ITEM] with the [ITEM]Nethercleft Leg Armor[/ITEM] enchant.


[ITEM]Nat Pagle's Extreme Anglin' Boots[/ITEM] and [ITEM]Enchant Boots - Cat's Swiftness[/ITEM]


[ITEM]Seal of Wrynn[/ITEM]

[ITEM]Protector's Band[/ITEM]


[ITEM]Arena Grand Master[/ITEM]

[ITEM]Insignia of the Alliance[/ITEM] - The BoA one maybe? is it worth it?

Oki now for the part I really need help in.


Currently I use MH - [ITEM]Cruel Barb[/ITEM] + 15 agi, OH - [ITEM]Thief's Blade[/ITEM] + 15 agi for normal combat. I also use [ITEM]Assassin's Blade[/ITEM] + [ITEM]Enchant Weapon - Superior Striking[/ITEM] with a macro for when I'm stealthed for the ambush and then switch back to orignal setup for combat.

I want to replace the OH for [ITEM]Shadowfang[/ITEM] but I'm not entirly convinced its worth it?

Ranged Weapons

I'm using [ITEM]Lil Timmy's Peashooter[/ITEM] which I find great for finishing off casters like mages after they get that dying last attempt frost nova and make a run for it. This does a great amount of damage specially when it crits - which it does often.

I thought about getting [ITEM]Venomstrike[/ITEM] for the proc?


The usual consumables and my beloved [ITEM]Alliance Battle Standard[/ITEM]


1/5 Malice

2/2 Sinister Strike

5/5 Dual Wield

2/2 Slice and Dice


225 Mining - for the stam

165 Engineering - for the [ITEM]Portable Bronze Mortar[/ITEM] <3

Yus lots to read >< but your thoughts would make me <3 u long time...


Ow lastly I was looking for a fast burst with assasin's blade and then burst as many as I can, I usually lone-wolf often being out numbered 4-5 to 1. Just the way I like it... :confused:

Sadly the alliance are not renowned for thier team play :<
I’ve been in the 19’s as a rogue for a while, and I can see a few improvements you could make. The first question I have is: are you more of a DPS-er or a flag carrier? Since you seem to be big on damage, I’m guessing you’re a “in the mix” kind of guy, so here’s my overview. Your choices are solid, but I’d make one or two changes.

For the shoulders: Exceptional Stromshroud Shoulders all the way. These are simply the best survivable shoulders for the 19’s, especially with the glad inscription enchant.

For your pants: the leatherworking craftables are good, but the Scouting Trousers of the Monkey (5/5) are a bit better. If you can score two on the AH, you should put a Nethercleft on one (for survivability) and a Nethercobra on the other (for raw DPS/Crit). With the BoA shoulders, you can get away with “Crit pants” unless you’re flag capping.

Chest: the tunic is great for DPS- but if you need more survivability, look to the Blacken Defias Chest.

MH/OH Weapons: your choices are solid- but don’t forget about the PvP dagger for DMG. For a stam set, two Butcher Slicers (BoP drop in SFK- 2nd boss) with +15 agility make for a nice stam/str set.

Ranged: I have always used the Throat Piercers- the + 2 agility is nice for crit- Thick Bronze Darts are good for the strength ratting as well (It’s rare someone runs away from me once I have my hands on them, but your playstyle may be different).

Not sure about the cloak enchant- I have the +12 Dodge rating one, but the verdict isn’t out yet as to which is better since the Dodge nerf- (FYI- you can still get this- just have the enchanter apply the spell on a level 1 armor velluim).

On the boots, I’d also look at the Feet of the Lynx as a DPS option; not as survivable, but when you add the agility to feet enchant, they become a good source of crit (though you may have issues chasing people down when sprint/pots are on cooldown).

On the trinkets- if you have the AGM trinket, then use that for Flag duties- otherwise the Swift Hand of Justice (Badge heirloom trinket) is useful- haste is fun, and the health regeneration is 10% of your total health, making is a tad OP. And don’t forget about the Minor Recombobulator, but only if there’s a mage on the opposing side.
thank you for the feedback, its been greatly appreciated.

Thanks Rayekk,

Generally I don't flag-carry unless there's no one else around to do it. I usually just find myself fighting off 3-6 people on my own. As you mentioned I'm going for a 'in the mix' since I need to be able to handle some damage after dropin a few clothys and my Arena Grand Master and Evasion are on CD, but at the same time some dps to finish off the job. I rarely have the plessure of a personal healer so I make do with what I got.

Shoulders - I really like the new Exceptional Stromshroud Shoulders with the gladiator enchant... need about 40 shards to get them.

Legs - Soon as I can get my hands on a pair of Scouting Trousers of the Monkey I'll put in the Nethercleft enchant since I'm planning to keep the fishing shoes :D

Chest - I'll keep turnic of Westfall since the stam gain is minimal.

Ranged - Throat Piercers it is.

Weapons - I'm still not entirly convinced here...

The agi off Cruel Barb and Thief's Blade is really nice but the Butcher Slicers looks very tempting.

Still no word of shadowfang is it worth the effort getting it? Some people are saying duel-weild two shadowfangs...

Trinkets - I really like Swift Hand of Justice - but I cant justify the loss of my current trinkets, Arena Grand Master is an awsome opener when fighting a large group of people, they usually start off pretty cocky and just try to dps u down, but as they start to drop usually the CC begins, which makes pvp trinket and escape artist a god's save, plus the peeshooter for a finishing touch to a great fight. I'll still test Swift Hand of Justice and get back to ya.

thanks Brainstorm for the link :p
Shoulders - I really like the new Exceptional Stromshroud Shoulders with the gladiator enchant... need about 40 shards to get them.

I think you need 200 shards for them :S
well shadowfang is surly the best MH weapon but its stupid to use it on OH since your OH does low dmg

thiefs blade is imo the best oh cos 7 agg will give u more ap more crit and more priceless dodge to avoid wing clip and hamstring and not to mention all the dmg attacks

i think that garrote does more dmg than ambush and its not efected by armor so best vs warrs and palas and if u know how to use garrote corectly u can get one free ss attack on them while they are still on sap and garrote u applied didnt do first dmg tick
Xposure said:
Shoulders - I really like the new Exceptional Stromshroud Shoulders with the gladiator enchant... need about 40 shards to get them.

I think you need 200 shards for them :S

thats correct I'm 34 short now ;)

An intresting idea Wisperin, I'll be honest I rarely/never use garrote... time to hit those BGs soon as I get those shoulders :mad:

So shadowfang, thief's blade setup.. i'll look into it.
Altessa said:
Trinkets - I really like Swift Hand of Justice - but I cant justify the loss of my current trinkets, Arena Grand Master is an awsome opener when fighting a large group of people, they usually start off pretty cocky and just try to dps u down, but as they start to drop usually the CC begins, which makes pvp trinket and escape artist a god's save, plus the peeshooter for a finishing touch to a great fight. I'll still test Swift Hand of Justice and get back to ya.

Another option would be to macro the swap after the PvP trinket is on CD (or the AGM- I don't know if that's got one, as I've never gotten past four tokens ;P)

As for dual-wielding Shadowfang; sorry I have no experience there; I know it’s got “good DPSâ€￾ but for the cost one (like 1200 on my server) and the (insignificant in my eyes) DPS upgrade compared to two Butcher Slicers makes me personally go “meh.â€￾ But keep in-mind that I mostly flag cap and flag return- I’m not very good holding the center (I’d guess casue of my lack of PvP and AGM trinkets).
got the shoulders, pants, and trinket (only 2% now :<) this weekend. Must say the extra 400 life makes a diference. Farmed SFK but after about 12 clears I think i'll try again some other time. :< no fishin hat again.

But def an improvement, thanks for the assist... :D

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