19 Rogue Guide

Okay so I'm doin a rogue guide in here cuz I can't in guides spot (ik right?)

So yea.

Horde Races (Viable)


Level 19 Stats:

101 AP

5.79% Crit

391 Health


Hardiness: -15% duration of stuns

Bloodlust: Increases Attack Power by 78 for 15 seconds. (2 minute cooldown)

-Note: Since this no longer decreases healing taken it is very viable.

That's +25% AP. 25/8= average of +3.125% damage constantly.


Axe Specialization: +5 expertise with axes (only worthwhile if you switch from ally w/ [ITEM]Gutterblade[/ITEM] and still then it is iffy)


98 AP

5.93% Crit

381 Health


Will of the Forsaken: removes fear, sleep, and charm effects. (2 minute cooldown)

-Note: Puts a 45 second timer on your insignia.​

Shadow Resistance: -2% chance to be hit by shadow spells.

Cannibalize: +7% hp/2 sec over 10 (35%). Decent in warsong if you have 10 seconds to stop moving. (2 minute cooldown)

Blood Elf

100 AP

6.47% Crit

351 Health


Arcane Torrent: 2 second AoE silence of 8 yards (think consecration) and restores 15 energy.

-Note: Does not trigger GCD and is not only an interrupt which are both very nice.​

Magic Resistance: -2% chance to be hit by any harmful magic.

Arcane Affinity: +10 enchanting

Note: There is a rumor of +1 stats to rings for low level enchanters coming out, otherwise it's useless. In fact, either way it is kind of pointless in comparison to +3% crit and a ridiculous insta-no-purge heal.​


104 AP

6.47% Crit

381 Health


Berserking: +20% Attack Speed for 10 seconds.

Note: +20% Attack Speed = +20% damage. 20/12 = +1.66% damage consistently.​

Beast Slaying: +5% Damage to beasts (druid FCs, Ghost Wolf, & Pets)

Throwing Weapon/Bow Specialization: +1% crit w/ thrown & bows

Voodoo Shuffle: -15% movement impairing effect time. (Trolls be flippin out, mon! :D)

Regeneration: +10% health regen, 10% regen during combat. (slow heal, but still helpful.)




Racials (number):


Racials (effect):

Troll/Blood Elf/Orc tie (more or less)


Overall I would pick Troll on horde; for an offensive WSG and healer killer Arena only I'd pick blood elf; for a FC/healer ganker/burst DPS i'd pick orc. I don't DISLIKE Undead, their just only really any good against a lock and even then the difference is minute enough for Orc's AP/BE's Silence/Troll's increased Attack Speed to cancel that out and possibly overtake it. Make sense? Good!

Alliance Races (Viable)

Viable in this section means not dwarf. The frost resistance is good vs. a CC mage and that is it. The stoneform is good for bandaging when a SS from a hunter is on you, that is it. Lowest AP with barely more health and lowest crit. 'Nuff said. Now that that is settled!


101 AP

6.2% Crit

371 Health


Perception: Increases stealth detection (1 level). Basically you will see rogues in 3/3 MoD as if in 2/3 MoD.

Every Man For Himself: Insignia of the Alliance - the trinket slot. Basically gives room for 12 stam (AGM) or 6 haste with BoA trinket.

Mace & Sword Specialization: +5 Sword/Mace Expertise
The top one has no thief's blade listed or hit ring and says the new belt of the monkey (5/5) is viable, but not the belt of the fang (5/6) and set bonus if using FoTL.

Also bracers no +10 AP w/ 9 str listed.

Venomstrike is not viable.

The bottom one says that 3/3 eagles and 3/3 falcons are viable bracers. nuff said.

Thanks for the lesson, not trying to be mean, just am bored and way tired. 3 AM ya know?

P.S. I AM however interested on how the first poster put up race pictures; that's pretty much dank as hell.
Dodgedurface said:
You can't apparently just post into guides section.

There's also the user-submitted guides section. Try there.
PM an officer and ask him to move this thread to the user submitted guide section, it shouldnt be a problem.

It would be nice to have a TI approved rogue guide, i havent taken too close a look at the other rogue guides but if they havent made it into the guide section yet then they're probably lacking somewhere.
awesome guide bro
There's alot more that needs to be added. Only things I would do is add that troll's beastslaying adds damage to shammys in GW too and separate the stat breakdown from Total: to Stam-_ and AP-_ (For how much you've completed so far.)
Right, duh x.x sorry I was pretty tired when doing all this hehe. Yeah good call on both. I'm actually thinking of instead of putting starting putting ending stats since that's a bit more important than level 1 haha.
Correctly me if I'm mistaken, but Shadowmeld will STILL give the extra stealth it used to for NE's right? I was gone a couple months, but I'm almost certain it still does.
SM is an extra stealth level, in comparison to MoD and enchant cloak-stealth, still yes. It doesn't remove you from the combat like it used to however. Gouge-SM-restealth is still used, but it won't work unless you can reset your combat state

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